Examine the relationship between religiosity and youth lifestyle
Subject Areas : sociology
seyednaser hejazi
Habil Heydarkhani
1 - Department of Sociology, Dehghan Azad University
2 - دانشجوی دکتری جامعهشناسی بررسی مسائل اجتماعی ایران و مدرس دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرمانشاه- ایران.
Keywords: lifestyle, religiosity, Body Management, consumption norms, Interpersonal relationships,
Abstract :
Contemporary sociological orientation toward appreciating the importance of consumption and lifestyle activities is important in shaping personal and collective identity. Using field survey techniques and the questioner this study is to answer this question that, what is the relationship between religiosity and various aspects of life from the viewpoints of young adults in Esfahan. The population of the study is (372 young people aged 18 to 29 years) is used as the sample size. In order to answer the main research question, religiosity variables in three components of ceremonial aspects, consequences and belief, age, marital status, and education as were analyzed as independent variables and the dependent variable was lifestyle. The results show that, there is a relationship between religiosity and lifestyle (after consumption norms also, there is a relationship between religiosity and lifestyle (after interpersonal relations) anda relationship exists between religiosity and the whole lifestyle. The lifestyle of respondents varies depending on their education, and marital status. But there is no relationship between religiosity variables and body management and lifestyle and also, there was no significant correlation between age and lifestyle.
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