Investigating the social factors associated with women's social deprivation (Case study of women in Urmia)
Subject Areas : sociologyMaryam Seyyedzadeh 1 , Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Mahdavi 2 * , Mostafa Azkia 3
1 - Ph.D. candidate in Sociology, Azad University
2 - * Professor of Sociology, Azad University - Corresponding
3 - Professor of Sociology, Azad University
Keywords: Social capital, Social networks, Social deprivation, equal opportunities, women in Urmia,
Abstract :
Social deprivation is a fact that some people are significantly more exposed to than others. Women's groups, meanwhile, are the ones most severely affected by social exclusion. Accordingly, this study examines the sociological deprivation of women in the city of Urmia and its related social factors. The theoretical framework of the research is the theories of Narayan, Bourdieu, Petrick, Giddens and Dahrendorf. This research is a cross-sectional survey in terms of control of research conditions, cross-sectional, expansive, and time-based. The community was studied by women in Urmia, and 430 people were questioned by sampling the possible quotas. The findings show that social deprivation has a negative and significant relationship with each of the variables of equal opportunities, participation, skill, decision-making power, social capital, social economic base and social network(p<0/001). Multiple regression was used to explain the dependent variable, and all variables remained in the regression model and had a significant effect on the dependent variable. The coefficient of determination indicates that about 38% of the variance of women's social deprivation is explained by the independent variables in the regression equation.
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