Designing a model for the relationship between social capital and economic development in free trade zones
Subject Areas : sociology
Heidar Mohammadzade
Bager Sarukhani
Abdolreza Adhami
1 - PhD student in Cultural Sociology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Economic Development, Social capital, Model Design, Free Trade Zones of Iran,
Abstract :
AbstractThe main purpose of this study was to design a model to explore the relationship between social capital and economic development in Iran's free trade zones. Economic development Economic is accompanied by fundamental changes in the economy and an increase in production capacity, including physical, human and social capacities. Capital is one of the important determinants of economic programs and social capital in the form of skills, education and training and internship are factors of production and productivity. The research method is integrated. Data collection tools were in-depth interviews and questionnaires, and using the underlying theory, the factors and components determining the model of the relationship between social capital and economic development of free zones were identified by the elites of this region. The statistical population was qualified and familiar with the affairs of free zones in the free zone . According to the designed model, the economic development of free zones requires the equipment that forms the basis of it. The proposed model includes the five categories of expanding knowledge-based production, creating and developing an advanced economy, domestic economic growth, making good use of all domestic and international capacities, and expanding the business culture and domestic production boom for exports.Keywords: Model Design, Social Capital, Economic Development, Free Trade Zones of Iran
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