Implementation of Integrated Management on increasing the security and safety of urban public spaces: Case Study Tabriz City
Subject Areas : sociologyReza Saadatpoor 1 , Bshir Beygbabayie 2 * , Karim Hosseinzadeh Dalir 3
1 - PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 - *Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, malakan Branch, Islamic Azad University, malakan, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
Keywords: Security, Tabriz Metropolis, Integrated Management, Futures studies, social welfare,
Abstract :
The expansion of urbanization, followed by the specific problems of urban life, has made it increasingly necessary for the city administration to pay attention to useful strategies and solutions to optimize the lives of citizens. Urban management is intertwined with the daily lives of citizens. Any decision made about the city will have a direct or indirect financial and psychological impact on citizens. The present study examines and studies the performance of integrated city management on social security and welfare with the same perspective. For this purpose, 43 indicators have been designed in three dimensions (integrated management, security and social welfare). The results show that there is a significant relationship between integrated management and security and welfare at the level of sig = 0. Also, the performance of indicators indicating 10 factors (existence of coordination between executive organizations in providing better urban services, paving the way for citizens to invest in urban development, creating sustainable urban revenue sources and not relying on traditional revenue sources such as tolls and density sales, facilitating administrative processes - Life, reduction of vulnerable urban spaces, adaptation of uses, improvement of public transportation services, responsibility, employment, urban services) have been key. Also, the results of scenario writing show 4 strong scenarios, 780 weak scenarios, and 21 possible scenarios, which among the possible scenarios, the desired situation shows the highest probability of realization compared to othersituations.
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