The relationship between media consumption and psychological well-being among young Instagram users
Subject Areas : sociologyMehran Samadi 1 * , Yasser Mehrayin 2
1 - 1- Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Master of Social Communication Sciences, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Electronic Unit
Keywords: media consumption, psychological well-being, Instagram, structural equations ,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between media consumption and psychological well-being of young Instagram users. This research was of correlation type and was done using the survey method. Young people aged 18 to 25 who use the social network Instagram have formed the statistical population of this research. The sample size was determined based on Cochran's formula of 384 people. In order to measure the variable of media consumption, the Trifiro (2018) questionnaire and the Jerson et al. (2017) questionnaire were used, and the Riff (1989) questionnaire was used to measure the psychological well-being variable. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling approach was used by partial least squares method. The obtained results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the amount of media consumption and positive relationships with others of young Instagram users with a path coefficient of 0.431 with 95% confidence. There is a negative and significant relationship between the amount of media consumption with the variables of self-acceptance, mastery of the environment and autonomy with path coefficients of -0.305, 0.277 and -0.252 with 95% confidence. No significant relationship was observed between the amount of media consumption with the targeted life variables of users and the personal growth of young Instagram users. onflict of interest: According to the authors, the article did not have any conflict of interest. Keywords: media consumption, psychological well-being, Instagram, structural equations Keywords: media consumption, psychological well-being, Instagram, structural equations
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