A study of the political patterns of influence of the domination system in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : political sociology
1 - دانشجوی دکتری علوم سیاسی، واحد شهرضا، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ،شهرضا، ایران
Keywords: Political Patterns, Political Influence, Dominance System, Islamic Republic of Iran.,
Abstract :
Abstract The political patterns of influence which is the result of the experience of global arrogance in overthrowing anti-imperialist regimes are the roadmap for the political influence of the domination system in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore this study is in response to this question that what political patterns are used for the political influence of the domination system in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a descriptive-analytical method, has analyzed and explained the political patterns of influence of the domination system. The results of the present study show that system of domination, after failing in a hard approach to counter the Islamic Revolution of Iran, has entered the campaign against the system of the Islamic Republic with a soft approach. And system of domination using the patterns of democratization, war of ideas, war of wills, RefoLotion, nonviolent struggle, normalization and computational battle, with the aim of transmutation and overthrowing the Islamic Revolution, and using domestic and foreign influencers, has attempted to political influence in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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