Sociological analysis of the effects of globalization on political culture from the perspective of Iranian women (1392-1402).
Subject Areas : political sociology
mohammadreza قائدی
ارسلان قربانی شیخ نشین
1 - Phd student of Political Science majoring in Political Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Kish International Branch. Iran
2 - دانشیار دانشگاه آزاد شیراز
3 - رئیس انجمن علوم ,: member of the faculty of Kharazmi University of Tehran, visiting professor of Azad University of Kish.Iran
Keywords: globalization, political culture, women, sociological analysis,
Abstract :
The political aspect of globalization has its own importance because it affects the nation-state system and has been raised since the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. As a result of globalization, the borders of the states have disappeared due to the introduction of information technology. TV channels have destroyed the "Iron Curtain". Political globalization "may create a more peaceful world order and reduce the propensity for violent conflict by limiting the capacity and autonomy of states. As a result of globalization, to the introduction of information technology. TV channels have destroyed the "Iron Curtain". Political globalization "may create a more peaceful world order and reduce the propensity for violent conflict by limiting the capacity and autonomy of states. Globalization is a process that has emerged following some global developments and scientific and technical developments in the field of communication and media and the facilitation and intensification of relations and interactions between nations in various fields. This flow has involved human societies in common and comprehensive issues and various challenges in a comprehensive way in social, economic, political and cultural dimensions and has made man face a changing, fluid, confusing, permeable and indeterminate and unfamiliar and borderless and uncontrollable world, and It is complicated. The present research was conducted with the aim of sociological analysis of the effects of the globalization process on political culture and with a descriptive-analytical approach in order to answer the question of how the sociological analysis of the effects of the globalization process on political culture is and the findings of the research indicate that The results of identifying the effects of the globalization process indicate that a set of components in the form of educational (cultural), social, economic and political dimensions can indicate the effects of globalization. Categories related to these dimensions in the cultural field can include education during office hours; laying the groundwork for growth and development; virtual training workshops; participation in educational decisions and evaluations; the process of internationalization of education; educational quality and improvement of teaching processes; freedom of action in education; Equipping and training skilled and trained workforce.
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