The rise of the heroes of Sadegh Hedayat's stories against the existing situation (case Study: The woman who lost her husband and the man who killed his breath)
Subject Areas : political sociology
Mohammad Ali Amini
Mohammad Homayon sepehr
vahid rashidvash
1 - Ph.D. student, Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Communication and Media, Azad University, Tehran Center Branch, Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
3 - Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Rise, the woman who lost her man, the man who killed him breath, modernism, Sadegh Hedayat,
Abstract :
Sadegh Hedayat can be mentioned among contemporary writers who have had a significant impact on Iranian literature. Many researchers have evaluated his works and have written valuable works. Most of Hedayat's short stories lead to death and their heroes accept what fate has decided for them. But among them, there are stories whose heroes rebel against the existing social structure and do not wait for their lives to be subject to the existing conditions and to be stagnant and passive. The main goal of this research is to know the factors that played a role in the rise or rise of the heroes of the stories "The Woman Who Lost Her Man" and "The Man Who Killed His Self". In this essay, a descriptive-analytical method is used to study the texts of the stories in detail, and tools such as flashcards and sources such as articles, books, archives, and theoretical schools of modernism and postmodernism have been emphasized to explain the issue. The transition from tradition to modernity has had a great impact on the political-social structure and as a result the character of Hedayat stories. The patriarchy ruling the family structure in the story of a woman who lost her husband causes the protagonist to adhere deeply to this structure, but the awareness of the true self of the negative character of the story causes the protagonist to rise. Such a situation exactly happens to the hero of the story of the man who killed himself, and the knowledge of the true nature of the master causes him to rebel - so that he prefers death to life. Unlike the characters of other Hedayat stories, they have a dynamic personalit
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