Anthropological components of the ritual symbols of Muharram and its functions
Subject Areas : political sociology
1 - Assistant Professor. Department of Social Sciences , Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: symbol (sign), rites (rites), mourning, Muharram,
Abstract :
One of the important events that had a deep impact on Iranian Islamic society is the Karbala incident. Undoubtedly, the secret of the durability and deep impact of the Ashura incident should be sought in the quality of this incident and the personalities of the parties involved in it. Ashura rituals are full of meanings and concepts that create identity and cohesion. Today's Muharram rituals are sometimes the same ones that have been inherited from the ancient tradition of Shia societies until today, but parts of it have changed and evolved over time. Religious rites are one of the main components of the culture of societies, which connect people, the cohesion of the community, give identity and create religious values in the community. The working method in this research is using the school of symbolic anthropology and interpretationism, in-depth study, presence in the research field and direct observation along with participation and interview, which also used documentary and library study. Muharram ceremonies and culture. Ashura has many positive functions (individual and social) among people and influences them to pursue a better individual and collective moral and spiritual life. The Muharram ceremony and its symbols strengthen virtues such as courage, anti-tyranny, justice, sacrifice, loyalty and strengthen social cohesion and identity among people. The characters in the month of Muharram and tazee ceremony are a symbol of right and wrong. What is transmitted to the people during the Muharram ceremony is the power of codes and symbols.symbol (sign), rites (rites), mourning, Muharram
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