Changes in the Administrative divisions and its role in the occurrence of social tensions (case study: the plan of Connecting Fars Province to the Persian Gulf)
Subject Areas : political sociology
1 - PhD of Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Tension and Conflict, Administrative divisions, Local identities, Persian Gulf, Hormozgan.,
Abstract :
The political-administrative units of the country's divisions are considered to be the most important framework for the formation of collective identities and functional interactions at the local and district level. Therefore, any unprincipled changes in the borders and boundaries of these units directly affect the identity and quality of life of the residents of these units and can lead to widespread tensions and conflicts at the level of the units. In this regard, one of the most important plans for changes in the country's divisions in Iran was the plan to connect Fars province to the Persian Gulf through extracting parts of Hormozgan province and annexing it to Fars province. accompanied Therefore, in this research, using the descriptive-analytical method and relying on library sources, the stressful aspects of this project were investigated and analyzed. The results of the research showed that this project have been caused tension through consequences such as the reaction of local identities, the intensification of local rivalries, the formation of the concept of discrimination and injustice, the loss of ecological balances and the possibility of increasing the distance between the center and the periphery in divisional unitse in Hormozgan province. in this research, using the descriptive-analytical method and relying on library sources, the stressful aspects of this project were investigated and analyzed. The results of the research showed that this project have been caused tension through consequences such as the reaction of local identities, the intensification of local rivalries, the formation of the concept of discrimination and injustice, the loss of ecological balances and the possibi
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