Investigating the performance of hydroponic green fodder and simplified heat transfer model of nanofarm for agricultural engineering application
Subject Areas : Journal of Simulation and Analysis of Novel Technologies in Mechanical EngineeringAmirreza Esmaeili 1 * , Hamidreza Bahrami 2 , Rozita Hajian 3 , Mohsen Karimian 4 , Ehsan Shokrani 5
1 - Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
2 - Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran
3 - Knowledge-based Company (Royeshgar), Isfahan Science Technology Town, Isfahan, Iran
4 - Knowledge-based Company (Royeshgar), Isfahan Science Technology Town, Isfahan, Iran
5 - Knowledge-based Company (Royeshgar), Isfahan Science Technology Town, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Hydroponics, Nanofarm, Forage cultivation, Simulator, Mechanical features,
Abstract :
In this study, root length and number of roots in forage production were investigated by hydroponic nanofarm chamber. For this purpose, specific amount of corn was planted in a special metal nanofarm culture room in two floors equipped with automatic control system. After 6 and 7 days of growth of corn from treated and non-treated sample were randomly selected. The amount of performance of the nanofarm was considered as humidity, temperature, and light parameters. In this research, an experimental observation on nanofarm device was done to check the grow and cultivate corn fodder with and without 202020 fertilizers. Also, the evaluated NFT system was used for prediction and simulation of hydroponic nanofarm. According to our study, there are more than 900 different agricultural products used to make animal feed in which green fodder has the most important response in the agriculture field. The efficiency of seed to fodder in this system is about 1 Kg to 7 Kg of seed (barley), an average of 7 Kg of barley fresh fodder hydroponic can be obtained. This system can have less waste product and higher efficiency. One of the main goals of the control system in Nanofarms is to control the temperature of the internal environment of Nanofarm. In the discussion of nanoform heat transfer, various methods of heat transfer, including conduction, displacement, and radiation are of interest.
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