On the Analysis of Persistent Different Age Groups in Villages Exposed Sand (Case Study Hirmand County, Sistan and Bluchestan Province)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studiesmeysam bandani 1 * , mahmoodreza mirlotfi 2 , amirmohammad alavizadeh 3 , masoomeh kamanbaz 4 , moslem moeinzadeh 5
1 - مربی گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه زابل،زابل، ایران
2 - دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه زابل، زابل، ایران
3 - استادیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه پیامنور، کاشمر، ایران
4 - دانشآموخته کارشناسی ارشد گروه جغرافیا و برنامهریزی روستایی، دانشگاه زابل.، زابل، ایران
5 - دانشآموخته کارشناسی جغرافیا و برنامهریزی روستایی، دانشگاه زابل.، زابل، ایران
Keywords: age groups, villagers staying, sands, Hirmand County,
Abstract :
Immigration and human displacement is among important population phenomena that attracted scholars’ attention from various disciplines. Villagers’ staying in the villages and the age structure of the population is a function of various factors including economic, social, cultural and particularly natural factors which affect village to city immigration. Regarding its specific political and natural status, Sistan area as a population-repellent place has always seen immigration of villagers to the cities and other parts of the country. Despite harsh natural conditions, some of the age groups show no willingness to leave their hometown and residence and feel belonged to it. Having this in mid, the aim of the present research is to investigate age groups staying in rural areas of Hirmand County. The methodology used is based on documents, field studies and questionnaire filling. The data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results show that the highest mean of staying related to the age group 41-50 years, followed by 31-40 years; and the lowest mean of staying was for the age group below 20 years and 21-30 years. It can be claimed that people between the ages of 30 and 50 who are in the middle of their lives stay more than the youth age group. Besides, of the factors affecting villagers’ stay, economic factors such as having an agricultural land comprised the highest amount. Therefore, it is suggested that provisions be made for villagers of various age groups to stay in the region by government’s offering low-interest loans to the farmers, creating job opportunities, giving loans for safe and appropriate house reconstruction, welfare, educational and health care facilities.
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Ruknaldin Eftekhari, A., Vazin, N., & Pour Taheri, M. (2009). The process of natural disaster management in both native and new methods: Rustam rural area (Khalkhal city). A lecturer in the Humanities, 13, (I), 63 -94.(in persian)
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Shahnaz, H. (2010). Rural to Urban Migration in pakistan the Gender perspective. Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Working papers 56.
Shayan, H., Bouzarjomehri, Kh., & Mir Lotfi, M.R. (2010). Study of the role of agriculture in rural development (Case Study: Miankangi - Sistan). Journal of Geography and Regional Development, 15, 151-171.(in persian)
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UN. (2006). Trends in Toyal Migration stock: the 2005 Revision. CD-ROM Documentation.
Xuan, J., Sokolik, IN., Hao, J., Guo, F., Mao, H., & Yang, G. (2004). Identification and characterization of sources of atmospheric mineral dust in East Asia. Atmospheric Environment, 38(36): 6252-6239.
Yodmani, s. (2000). Disaster Risk Managarement and Vulnerability Reduction: proteting the poor/ paper presented at the Asia and pacific forum on poverty Organized by the Asin Development Bank.
Zanjani, H. (2001). Immigration. Tehran: Samt Publication.
A.K.M. Azad Hossain. (2013). Flood Inundation and Crop Damage Mapping: A Method for Modeling the Impact on Rural Income and Migration in Humid Deltas. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. from Climate Vulnerability, 5, 357-374.
Amin, s. (1974). Modern Migration in Western Africa. Oxford University press.
Ethan D., Schoolman, Chunbo Ma. (2012). Migration, class and environmental inequality: Exposure to pollution in China's Jiangsu Province Original Research Article. Ecological Economics, 75, 140-151.
Fazel Nia, Gh., Kiani, A., Khosravi, M. A., & Bandani, M. (2011). Study of compliance indigenous pattern of physical- anatomical development in the Tembaka village of the Zabol city to move sand storms. Journal of Housing and Rural Environment, 136, 3-16.(in persian)
Garasky, s. (2002). Where Are They Going? Acomparion of Urban and rural youth locational choices after leaving the parental home. Journal of social science Research, 31, 409-431.
Ghasemi Siani, M., (2002). Rural-urban migration outcomes of rural youth. research of youth. culture and society, 2, 145-165.(in persian)
Hossein Zadeh, S. R. (2014). urban planning along with natural disaster with an emphasis on Iran. Journal of Geography and Regional Development, 3, 85-60. (in persian)
Ke-cun, Zhang., Jian-jun, Qu., Kong- tag, Liao., Qing-he, Niu., & Qing-jie, Han. (2010). Damage by wind-blown sand and its control aling Qingghai- Tibet Railway in china. Aeolian Research, 1(3-4), 143-146.
Mackendrik, N.A., & parkins, J.R. (2004). Frameworks for Assesing Community sustainability: a synthesis of current ressearch in British Columbia. Nat.
Mahdavi, M., Ghadiri Masomeh, M., & Mohammadi Yeganeh, B. (2004).The Role of physical geography in rural migrations instability, Zanjan Province. Geographical Research, 49, 205- 222.(in persian)
Mir Lotfi, M. R., Khosravi, M. A., & Bandani, M. (2012). Analyze the causes of the sustainability of population in vulnerable areas of natural disaster (Case study: villages of Hirmand city). Journal of Golestan University, Second year, 2 (3), 94-109.(in persian)
Miri, A., Ahmadi, H., Ghanbari, A., & Moghaddamnia, A. (2007). Dust stoms Impacts on Air Pollution and Public Health Under and Dry climate. International journal energy and environment, 1 (2), 101-105.
Mirlotfi, M.R, Shayan, H., Alavizadeh, S.A.M. (2012). Assessment levels of agricultural development and factors affecting it the city of Hirmand. Geography and Development. 10 (28), 114-95.
Motiei Langroodi, S.H, & Bakhshi, H. (2010).The role of fund housing improvement in empowerment and sustainability of rural population. The study of human geography, 72, 31-46.(in persian)
Nazari, A. A. (2002). Population Economics, Journal of Geographical Sciences. 1, (1), 69-84.(in persian)
Nazari, A.A. (2003).Investigate the causes and effects of rapid population growth and its negative role in social-economic development of Iran. Geographical Research, 44, 31-40.(in persian)
Negaresh, H., Latifi, L. (2009).Evaluation of the damage caused by the motion of flowing sands in East Zabul using satellite imaging. Studies of Natural geography, 67, 73-78.(in persian)
Omidvar, K. (2006). Synoptic analysis of a sand storm on the azd-Ardakan plain. Magazine Geographical Research, 81, 43-58.(in persian)
Omidvar, K. (2014). Analysis of synoptic of Black severe storms and dust in different seasons Yazd province. Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, 25 (2), 118-100. (in persian)
Panahi, P. (2011). Study of factors affecting the migration of rural youth to urban, case study: villages in the central city of Shiraz. Journal of Regional Planning, the first, second edition, 1 (2), 41-50.(in persian)
Phirouz Nia, Q. (2006).Explaining the economic functionality of depopulated villages in the Qazvin Township.dissertation, Unevirsity of Shahidbeheshti, Geogheraphy and Rural Planning. (in persian)
Poor Ashraf, Y. A., & Toolabi, Z. (2009). Qualitative approach to the of factors affecting the desire to sustain of motivated teachers: Ilam province. Education Quarterly, 98, 153-176.(in persian)
Ruknaldin Eftekhari, A., Vazin, N., & Pour Taheri, M. (2009). The process of natural disaster management in both native and new methods: Rustam rural area (Khalkhal city). A lecturer in the Humanities, 13, (I), 63 -94.(in persian)
Sekaran, O. (2002). Research methods in management. translated by Mohammad Saeb and Mahmoud Shirazi, Second Edition. Published by Institute of Research Management and Planning, Tehran. (in persian)
Shahnaz, H. (2010). Rural to Urban Migration in pakistan the Gender perspective. Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Working papers 56.
Shayan, H., Bouzarjomehri, Kh., & Mir Lotfi, M.R. (2010). Study of the role of agriculture in rural development (Case Study: Miankangi - Sistan). Journal of Geography and Regional Development, 15, 151-171.(in persian)
Taghdisi, A., Ahmadi Shapoorabadi, M. A. (2012).Immigration and aging of rural population of Iran: challenge for sustainable rural development. Geographical Research Quarterly, 27 (1), 134-164.(in persian)
Tavousi, T., & Raies Poor, K. (2010). Statistical analysis and prediction of the likelihood of severe storms using partial series analysis methods (Case study of Sistan). Geographic Studies of Arid Zones, First Year, 2, 93- 105. (in persian)
UN. (2006). Trends in Toyal Migration stock: the 2005 Revision. CD-ROM Documentation.
Xuan, J., Sokolik, IN., Hao, J., Guo, F., Mao, H., & Yang, G. (2004). Identification and characterization of sources of atmospheric mineral dust in East Asia. Atmospheric Environment, 38(36): 6252-6239.
Yodmani, s. (2000). Disaster Risk Managarement and Vulnerability Reduction: proteting the poor/ paper presented at the Asia and pacific forum on poverty Organized by the Asin Development Bank.
Zanjani, H. (2001). Immigration. Tehran: Samt Publication.