Mental mapping of the Third-living Space of the City, A Comparative Study of Residents of Formal and Informal Settlements in Rasht
Subject Areas : Sociology and Human Settlementshamid rokhsari 1 * , Maryam Jafari Mehrabadi 2 , Hossein Hataminejad 3
1 - PhD student of Geography and Urban Planning University of Kharazmi. Tehran
2 - Daoartment of Geography, Faculty of Humanities, University of Guilan
3 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning University of Tehran. Tehran
Keywords: Informal settlements, Rasht, Mental Map, Third-Living Space,
Abstract :
Third city space is the same living, social or substitute city space.This space is in the mental maps as the socio-cultural space of the city.In this research, according to this approach, a recent methodology in the study of mental maps has been devoted to the study of the third living space of the city of Rasht in the residents of the formal settlements of District 1 and residents of the informal settlements of the 4 district of Rasht.In this research, the sample size of 60 people from two groups of inhabitants of the settlements was surveyed using theoretical sampling. The information harvesting method has been "interview and observation"; the type of information included: maps, censuses, and photographs.To analyze the qualitative data of the research, the methods of the democratic mapping analysis including qualitative GIS (QGIS) under the analysis of the Space-Time Paths and activities to the analysis of the third-lived space in the mental maps of residents of formal settlements District 1 and residents of informal settlements in the 4 district of Rasht. and the results of the research indicate that, given the mental maps of these two groups of residents, the expansion of the role and place of the class in the "social production of space" has been problematic.
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Carp, Jana(2008) “Ground-Truthing” Representations of Social Space:Using Lefebvre’s Conceptual Triad, Journal of Planning Education and Research,: 28(2), 129-142.
Ceccato, V. A. and F. Snickars. (2000): Adapting GIS technology to the needs of local planning. Environment and Planning B 27:923–37.
Cieri, M. (2003). Between being and looking: Queer tourism promotion and lesbian social space in Greater Philadelphia. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 2 (2): 147–66.
Coulton, C., C. Tsui, and K. Mikelbank. (2011). Finding place in community change initiatives: Using GIS to uncover resident perceptions of their neighborhoods. Journal of Community Practice 19(1), 10–28.
Crampton J and Krygier J (2006). An introduction to criti-cal cartography.ACME: An International E-Journalfor Critical Geographies4 (1): 11–33.
Csapó, Tamás, András, Balogh. (2011). Development of the Settlement Network in the Central European Countries, Past, Present, and Future, Springer Science and Business Media, Mehr 16, 1390 AP – Political Science.
Damayanti, R. and Kossak, F. (2016). Extending Kevin Lynch’s concept of imageability in third space reading; case study of Kampungs, Surabaya–Indonesia. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 13 (1). pp. 57-67. ISSN 1302-8324.
Daneshpour, Seyed Abdolhadi, Salaripour, Aliakbar, (2017). Prioritizing Strategic Alternative for Improvement of Neghborhood Attachment Using Qf Process (Case Study: Golsar District, Rasht City), Journal of The Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 12(1) (38), 119 - 137. (In Persian).
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Maanen ,Henk-Jan van, Smit, Ingram (2012) Third space, Geography–
Massoud, M., Haghvardiyan, F. (2012). The role of social capital on the empowerment of informal settlements (Case study: Aynak pool neighborhood in Rasht). Journal of The Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 7 (18), 128-140. (In Persian)
Matei, S. Ball-Rokeach, S. J. and Qui, J. L. (2001): Fear and misperception of Los Angeles urban space: A Spatial-statistical study of communication-shaped mental maps. Communication Research, 28(4), 429 463.
Maurer, R. and Baxter, J. C. (1972): Images of the neighborhood and city among black-, Anglo-, and Mexican-American children. Environment and Behavior, 4(4), pp. 351-388.
Mazer, Katie M, Rankin, Katharine N. (2011). The social space of gentrification: the politics of neighbourhood accessibility in Toronto's Downtown West, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29, 822-839.
Merrifield, A., (2006), Henri Lefebvre: A critical introduction. Taylor & Francis.
Miller, Harvey J. (2017). Time Geography and Space–Time Prism, The International Encyclopedia of Geography.Edited by Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, and Richard A. Marston, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Niem Tu, H., Doherty, S. and Sharpe, B. )2010). Gender differences in the sketch map creation process. Journal of Maps 6:270–88.
Pavlovskaya, M. (2002). Mapping urban change and changing GIS: Other views of economic restructuring. Gender, Place and Culture 9 (3): 281–89.
Peuquet, D.J. (2002). Separation of "What," "Where," and "When" Knowledge, Representations of Space and Time: New York, The Guilford Press, p. 196-205.
Pour Aghaei, Abdullah, 2006, The causes of informal settlement formation in Rasht and its organizing solutions, Journal of The Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 2, 45-66. (In Persian)
Rokhsari, Hamid, Jafari Mehrabadi , Maryam, Hataminejad, Hossein(2019). Mental Mapping of the First-material Urban Space, A Comparative Study of the Residents of Formal and Informal Settlements in the City of Rasht. Geographical Urban Planning Research, 7(1), 83-110. (In Persian)
Schmid, Space, Difference, Everyday Life (Reading Henri Lefebvre), pp.39-40
Soja, E. (1996): Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Teelucksingh, Cheryl (2002). Spatiality and Environmental Justice in Parkdale (Toronto) An article of the journal Ethnologies Volume24, Issue1, p. 119–141.
Thrift, N. (2003). Space: The Fundamental Stuff of Human Geography. In Sarah L. Hollaway; Stephen P. Rice; Gill Valentine., Key Concept in Geography. London; SAGE. pp. 95–107.
Watkins, C. (2005) Representations of Space, Spatial Practices and Spaces of Representation: An Application of Lefebvre’s Spatial Triad, Culture and Organization, 11:3, 209-220.
Worms, Jamie Lauren. (2014): Mental Mapping the Transformation of Social Space in Rio's Oldest Favela: Morro da Providência, LSU Doctoral Disser tations, 1627.
Yasuri, Majid, Visi, Reza, saba Kar, Mojgan, Mohammadi, Maryam. (2015). Investigating the Role of Physical Expansion of Rasht City in Creating Change Margin Land Use. Journal of The Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 10 (30), 99-112. (In Persian).
Zieleniec, A. J., 2007, Space and social theory. Sage.
_||_Aberley, D. (1993). Boundaries of home: Mapping for local empowerment (Vol. 6). Philadelphia: New Society Publishers.
Al-Kodmany, K. (2002(. Visualization tools and methods in community planning: From freehand sketches to virtual reality. Journal of Planning Literature 17 (2): 189–211.
Bagheri, Nazgol. (2014). Mapping women in Tehran's public spaces: a geo-visualization perspective, Gender, Place and Culture, 21:10, 1285-130.
Bhabha, Homi K. (2004). The Location of Culture. Abingdon: Routledge. p. 55.
Carp, Jana(2008) “Ground-Truthing” Representations of Social Space:Using Lefebvre’s Conceptual Triad, Journal of Planning Education and Research,: 28(2), 129-142.
Ceccato, V. A. and F. Snickars. (2000): Adapting GIS technology to the needs of local planning. Environment and Planning B 27:923–37.
Cieri, M. (2003). Between being and looking: Queer tourism promotion and lesbian social space in Greater Philadelphia. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 2 (2): 147–66.
Coulton, C., C. Tsui, and K. Mikelbank. (2011). Finding place in community change initiatives: Using GIS to uncover resident perceptions of their neighborhoods. Journal of Community Practice 19(1), 10–28.
Crampton J and Krygier J (2006). An introduction to criti-cal cartography.ACME: An International E-Journalfor Critical Geographies4 (1): 11–33.
Csapó, Tamás, András, Balogh. (2011). Development of the Settlement Network in the Central European Countries, Past, Present, and Future, Springer Science and Business Media, Mehr 16, 1390 AP – Political Science.
Damayanti, R. and Kossak, F. (2016). Extending Kevin Lynch’s concept of imageability in third space reading; case study of Kampungs, Surabaya–Indonesia. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 13 (1). pp. 57-67. ISSN 1302-8324.
Daneshpour, Seyed Abdolhadi, Salaripour, Aliakbar, (2017). Prioritizing Strategic Alternative for Improvement of Neghborhood Attachment Using Qf Process (Case Study: Golsar District, Rasht City), Journal of The Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 12(1) (38), 119 - 137. (In Persian).
Ding, Guoxiang. & Kwan, Mei-Po. (2006): 3D-VQGIS: 3D Visualization and Qualitative Analysis of Geospatial Data, Department of Geography, the Ohio State University.
Doran, B. and B. Lees. (2005): Investigating the spatiotemporal links between disorder, crime, and the fear of crime. The Professional Geographer 57:1–12.
Greene, M., Mora, R., & Berrios, E. (2011). Original and new inhabitants in three traditional neighbourhoods: a case of urban renewal in Santiago de Chile. Built Environment, 37 (2), 183-198.
Haney, W. G. and E. S. Knowles. (1978): Perception of neighbourhoods by city and suburban residents. Human Ecology 6:201–14.
Harris, T., and D. Weiner. (1998): Empowerment, marginalization, and “community-integrated” GIS. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 25 (2): 67–76.
Karan, P. P. Bladen, W. A, Singh .G. (1980): Slum Dwellers' and Squatters' Images of the City, Environment and Behavior, Volume: 12 issue: 1, page(s): 81-100 Issue published: March 1, 1980 , 12 (1), 81-100.
Knigge, L. and Cope, M. (2006): Grounded visualization: integrating the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data through grounded theory and visualization. Environment and Planning A, 38, 2021–2037.
Kohm, S. A. (2009): Spatial dimensions of fear in a highcrime community: Fear of crime or fear of disorder? 1. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice/La Revue canadienne de criminology et de justice penale 51 (1): 1–30.
Kwan, M.-P. (2008). From oral histories to visual narratives: Representing the post-September 11 experiences of the Muslim women in the United States. Social and Cultural Geography 9:653–59.
Kwan, Mei-Po. Richardson, Douglas. Wang, Donggen. Zhou, Chenghu. (2015) Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, New York London
Ladd, F. C. (1970): ‘Black youths view their environment: neighbourhood maps’, Environment and Behaviour, 2, 64–79.
Lee, T. )1968). Urban neighbourhood as sociospatial schema. Human Relations 21:241–67.
Lefebvre, Henri. (1991): The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Lynch, K. (1960): The Image of the City, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Maanen ,Henk-Jan van, Smit, Ingram (2012) Third space, Geography–
Massoud, M., Haghvardiyan, F. (2012). The role of social capital on the empowerment of informal settlements (Case study: Aynak pool neighborhood in Rasht). Journal of The Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 7 (18), 128-140. (In Persian)
Matei, S. Ball-Rokeach, S. J. and Qui, J. L. (2001): Fear and misperception of Los Angeles urban space: A Spatial-statistical study of communication-shaped mental maps. Communication Research, 28(4), 429 463.
Maurer, R. and Baxter, J. C. (1972): Images of the neighborhood and city among black-, Anglo-, and Mexican-American children. Environment and Behavior, 4(4), pp. 351-388.
Mazer, Katie M, Rankin, Katharine N. (2011). The social space of gentrification: the politics of neighbourhood accessibility in Toronto's Downtown West, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29, 822-839.
Merrifield, A., (2006), Henri Lefebvre: A critical introduction. Taylor & Francis.
Miller, Harvey J. (2017). Time Geography and Space–Time Prism, The International Encyclopedia of Geography.Edited by Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, and Richard A. Marston, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Niem Tu, H., Doherty, S. and Sharpe, B. )2010). Gender differences in the sketch map creation process. Journal of Maps 6:270–88.
Pavlovskaya, M. (2002). Mapping urban change and changing GIS: Other views of economic restructuring. Gender, Place and Culture 9 (3): 281–89.
Peuquet, D.J. (2002). Separation of "What," "Where," and "When" Knowledge, Representations of Space and Time: New York, The Guilford Press, p. 196-205.
Pour Aghaei, Abdullah, 2006, The causes of informal settlement formation in Rasht and its organizing solutions, Journal of The Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 2, 45-66. (In Persian)
Rokhsari, Hamid, Jafari Mehrabadi , Maryam, Hataminejad, Hossein(2019). Mental Mapping of the First-material Urban Space, A Comparative Study of the Residents of Formal and Informal Settlements in the City of Rasht. Geographical Urban Planning Research, 7(1), 83-110. (In Persian)
Schmid, Space, Difference, Everyday Life (Reading Henri Lefebvre), pp.39-40
Soja, E. (1996): Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Teelucksingh, Cheryl (2002). Spatiality and Environmental Justice in Parkdale (Toronto) An article of the journal Ethnologies Volume24, Issue1, p. 119–141.
Thrift, N. (2003). Space: The Fundamental Stuff of Human Geography. In Sarah L. Hollaway; Stephen P. Rice; Gill Valentine., Key Concept in Geography. London; SAGE. pp. 95–107.
Watkins, C. (2005) Representations of Space, Spatial Practices and Spaces of Representation: An Application of Lefebvre’s Spatial Triad, Culture and Organization, 11:3, 209-220.
Worms, Jamie Lauren. (2014): Mental Mapping the Transformation of Social Space in Rio's Oldest Favela: Morro da Providência, LSU Doctoral Disser tations, 1627.
Yasuri, Majid, Visi, Reza, saba Kar, Mojgan, Mohammadi, Maryam. (2015). Investigating the Role of Physical Expansion of Rasht City in Creating Change Margin Land Use. Journal of The Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 10 (30), 99-112. (In Persian).
Zieleniec, A. J., 2007, Space and social theory. Sage.