Indicators Ranking of Determining the Diffuse Textures of Inner-City (Case Study: Rasht City)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studiesmohammad safari 1 , Mahmood Mohammadi 2 * , Amir Hossein Shabani 3 , Zahra Fanaei 4
1 - department of urban planning in university of najafabad
2 - Associate Professor, Urban Planning Department, Esfahan Art University, Esfahan, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Urban Planning Department, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
4 - Assistan prof, Department of Art research, Najaf Abad Beranch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran
Keywords: TOPSIS model, Indexing, Rasht, inner city dysfunctional textures,
Abstract :
According to the decision of the Supreme Council of Unbanning and Architecture of Iran (2005), burnout in urban areas "reduction of efficiency" of one texture compared to other textures of the city was introduced and in the decision of 1385, only three indicators of instability, impenetrability and microdermabrasion were sufficient. However, studies have identified quantitative and qualitative weaknesses in determining these indicators. The present study aims to rank the indicators for determining the range of dysfunctional textures of Inner-City, with a case study on the city of Rasht. This research is practical and documentary in terms of purpose. After documentary studies and review of the literature, the indicators were identified and ranked, and thus, by applying the opinion of 8 experts, two techniques of process of analytic hierarchy analysis and preferential prioritization based on similarity to ideal responses were used. After the indexing process, 22 indicators were explained in relation to the identification of dysfunctional intermediate textures of cities, and in terms of environmental, economic and social conditions of Rasht city and the application of expert opinion, 12 qualified indicators were finally ranked. The results show five dimensions: physical, social, functional, economic and environmental. In addition to the three permanent indicators of instability, impenetrability and microdermabrasion, indicators such as poverty and deprivation; High level of unemployment, poor educational status, high population density, age of buildings, uncertainty of ownership, and lack of open and green space indicate the trans-physical dimensions of dysfunctional inner-urban that can be identified in the country's metropolises.
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