Survey the Fields of Tourism Development in the Villages of Tourism Destination (Case Study: Kazj Village of Khalkhal Township)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
Hojjatollah Rashid kolvir
Naeim Ghaffari hashtjin
Asghar Bagheri
vakil Heidari Sarban
1 - Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
2 - Department of Architecture, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil, Ardebili, Iran
3 - department of Water Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil, Ardebili, Iran
4 - department of Geography, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil, Ardebili, Iran
Keywords: Tourism, Rural Development, tourism development, Rural tourism, Kazaj village,
Abstract :
Rural tourism is one of the most important type of tourism that has been noticed with representing attractions and motivations in utilizing spaces and rural environment characters for tourists through amelioration and promotion in “economical”, “social”, “sub-structural and ecological” characters of host region. This study aims to investigate the tourism development bases and tourism influences “social”, “economical”, “ecological”, “sub-structural” development of Kazaj village as one the tourism purpose villages of Ardabil province. The present study is In term of developmental purpose and also the descriptive-analytical method. Marriage circumstances quality, age, occupation, educational grade and financial condition are independent criteria and attitude toward research dependent elastic tourism. Gathering the information is being done through two methods of documentary and field study. Statistical population of this research is implicating the head of the families (142 persons) and in addition village tourists of the case of research (54 persons). ISDM method and exploratory factor analysis method is being used for data analysis which criteria are from interdependent type. The final result of this research is expressing; In terms of inhabitants, rural development has significance respectively on the basis of the four variables “ecological”, “economical”, “social”, “sub-structural” while in terms of tourists, it is significant, on the basis of variables "ecological", "social", "financial", "sub-structural" criteria. Also, Using the factor analysis method for inhabitants especially 6 rated factors are above 1 whereas This value was clarified 5 factors for tourists. Achieved factors include: “financial”, “Fundraising”, “Infrastructure”, ”social”, “Village Development Planning”, “Quality of Life” and “security”.
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