Measuring of tissues stability (Case study: Ardebil city)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
Hojjatollah Rashid kolvir
Hasan Akbari
1 - Assistant Professor, Dep. of Architecture, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil, Ardebili, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Dep. of Architecture, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil, Ardebili, Iran
Keywords: Stability, Ardebil city, Sector, Urban tissues, multiple criteria decision models,
Abstract :
Urban tissues as urban ranges which they create during different periods can locate some sectors in their heart and they are regarded as city creator organs or structures and it is necessary to measure for reaching stable city before every planning. So, the aim of current study in measuring stability of Ardebil city tissues and sectors. Study statistical society include citizens which they were selected as samples with 390 persons based on Cochrane’s formulae. Sampling method was simple randomized case and questionnaire was distributed and completed for their. In order to field operations obtained data analysis; One Sample t-test was used to stability position measuring; one –way Anova Analysis was used for urban tissues comparison at SPSS software framework and, Electer, Vicor, Topsis and Copland multiple criteria decision models (MCDM) were used to urban tissues ranking in EXCEL framework. One Sample t-test results showed that sector stability with 3/01 mean is in middle level and one –way Anova analysis showed difference between urban tissues according to stability level which in sheffe’s pursue test; Ardebil city tissues were located in non-stable and relative stable classes. At last; Topsis, Electer, Vicor model and Copland combined model showed that planned, organic, semi-organic, combined villages to city and outskirts villages are located at first to fifth ranks.
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