An Investigation of Tourism Impact on Urban and Rural Land Use Pattern Changes (A Case Study: Kelardasht County)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning StudiesNaser Aligholizadeh Firoozjaie 1 * , Mostafa Ghadami 2 , Mahmood Gharibi jooybari 3
1 - Asisstent Professor, Dep. of Geography, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Dep. of Geography, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
3 - M.A. Graduated in Ecotourism, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Keywords: Tourism, Land Use Change, second house, rural and urban areas, Kelardaht County,
Abstract :
The objective of this research is to analyze the role of tourism on land use changes in rural and urban area in Klardasht township. . The method of this research is descriptive and analytical based on survey. The data of this research is collected from field observation, interview and satellite order to create land cover map and change detection, satellite images for the years 1987, 2000, 2010 and 2015 were used. The process of analysis of satellite images such as making raster layer was carried out with Erdas 2014 software. Then Thematic Maps were produced through ArcGis 10.4 software. The main and important factor of driving force and pressure in land use change in this area was uncontrolled tourism development. Findings of field observation, interview and satellite images show the huge part of land use of forest, orchard and farm in the study area have changed and converted to built area during years 1987 to 2015. In such a way that with respect to demand in land purchasing and building of second homes and development of facilities and services related to tourism considering lack of efficient management and serious shortcomings in executing rules and regulations, tourism development had great roles in such changes
Alegre, J., & Garau, J. (2010). Tourist satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Annals of TourismResearch, 37 (1), 52–73.
Ashournejad, Q., Heydari, Z., & Matinfar, H.M. (2013). An analysis of the relation and environment results of tourism development and land use changes on the city of Ramsar through using Landsat images. Journal of tourism planning and development, 12 (11), 122-144. (In Persian)
Briassoulis, H. (2010). Analysis of land use change. theoretical and modelling approach. Translated by Rafeyan, Mojtaba & Mahmoodi Mehran.Azarakhsh publications. (In Persian)
Chamber of trade of Kalardasht township. (2017). Data and information of active chamber in Kardasht township. (In Persian)
Consulting engineer of Civil, research & architecture. (1998). comprehensive plan City of kelardasht. (In Persian)
DeFries, R., Eshleman, K.N. (2004) Land-use change and hydrologic processes: a major focus for the future. Hydrol. Process. 18 (11), 2183–2186.
Dong, Rencai, Yu, Lijun and Liu, Guohua (2008). Impact of tourism development on land-cover change in a matriarchal community in the Lugu Lake area. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 15 (2008) 28–35.
Falahatkar, S., Saffianian, A., Khajeddin, S.J., & S.J. Ziaei, H. (2009). Isfahan land cover change detection in the past 4 decades using remote sensing. Journal of science and technology of agriculture and natural resources, water and soil science, 13 (47), 381-395. (In Persian)
Gossling, S., 2002. Global environmental consequences of tourism. Global Environ. Chang. 12 (4), 282–302.
Gunn, C.A. (2002). Tourism planning: Concepts, Basics,Case, New York and London: Routledge.
Hawkes, S., & Williams, P. (1993). From principals to practice: A case book of best environment practice in tourism. Burmaby, BC, Centre for tourism policy.
Ghadami, M., Alighilizadeh firouzjaei, N., & Anamoradnejad, R. (2010). The role of tourism in the destination, land use alterations (case study: Markazi Destrict of Noshar County, Mazandaran province). Journal urban- regional studies and research, 3 (21), 21-42. (In Persian)
Gun, C, M. (2002). Tourism planning: Concepts, Basics, Cases. New York and London Routledge.
Hssanimehr, S., & Shahvar, H. (2010). Consequences of tourism development in Heyran county with emphasizing on land use change. Quarterly Journal of Human Geography, 45 (1), 177-192. (In Persian)
Kuvan, Y. (2005). The use of forests for the purpose of tourism: the case of Belek Tourism Center in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Management, 75, 263–274.
Karimi, K., & Komaki, Ch. B. (2015). Monitoring, assessment and prediction of spatial changes of land use /cover using Markov chain model (Case study: Bostagh Plain - South Khorasan). RS & GIS for Natural Resources, 6 (2), 75-88. (In Persian)
Linderman, M.A., An, L., Bearer, S. (2005). Modeling the spatio-temporal dynamics and interactions of households, landscapes, and giant panda habitat. Ecol.Model, 183 (1), 47–65.
Mao, X., Meng, J., & Wang, Qi. (2014). Modeling the effects of tourism and land regulation on land-use change in tourist regions: A case study of the Lijiang River Basin in Guilin. China, Land Use Policy, 41, 368–377.
Marin-Yaseli, M.L., & Martinez, T.L. (2003). Competing for Meadows: a case study on tourism and livestock in the Spanish Pyrenees. Mount. Res. Dev, 23 (2), 169–176.
Mohamadi, M., Mahrabi, A., Ghorbani, A., Khorasani, M.A. (2012). Effective human force on land use change in marginal rural areas. (Case study: villages of Alkle and Seyben in Tonekabon township). Geography. International Journal of the Iranian Geographical Association, 10 (35), 279-298. (In Persian)
Monshizadeh, Rahmatollah and Khoshhal, Farhad (2005). The impact of tourism on land use change with emphasizing rural land. Journal of Geographical Science, 4 (5), 89-106. (In Persian)
Motielangrodi, S.H., Rezvani, M.R., & Kateb Azgomi, Z. (2012). Investigation of economic impact of agriculture landuse change in rural area (case study: Lichareky Hassanrod county in Anzaly Bandar Township. Research and Rural Planning, 1 (1), 1-24. (In Persian)
Petrov, L.O., Lavalle, C., & Kasanko, M. (2009). Urban land use scenarios for a tourist region in Europe: applying the MOLAND model to Algarve, Portugal. Landsc. Urban Plann, 92 (1), 10–23.
Priskin. J. (2001). Assessment of natural resources for nature-based tourism: the case of the Central Coast Region of Western Australia. Tourism Management, 22, 637–648.
Rezaee, M., Bijan Rahmani, B., Faraji Sabokbar, H.A., Rahmani Fazli, A. (2017). Modeling land cover changes in the rural of Isfahan Province by using GWT-test. Human Geography Research Quarterly, 49 (3), 505-518. (In Persian)
Schroeder, H. W. (2007). Place experience, gestalt, and the human–nature relationship. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27, 293–309.
Statistical Centre of Iran. (2016). (In Persian)
Tao, Teresa, C.H., & Wall, J. (2009). Tourism as a sustainable livelihood strategy. Tourism management, 30 (1), 90-98.
Yousefi, S., Moradi, H.R., Hosseini, S. H., & Mirzaee, S. (2011). Land use change detection using LandSat TM and ETMsatellite images over. MarivanJournal of Applied RS & GIS Techniques in Natural Resource Science, 2 (3), 97-105. (In Persian)
Wijesekara, G.N., Gupta, A., Valeo, C. (2012). Assessing the impact of future land-use changes on hydrological processes in the Elbow River watershed in southern Alberta, Canada. J. Hydrol. 412–413, 220–232.
Wu, B. (2001). A study on recreational belt around metropolis (ReBAM): Shanghai case. Sci. Geogr. Sin, 21 (4), 354–359.
Xi, J., Zhao, M., Quansheng, Ge., & Kong, Q. (2014). Changes in land use of a village driven by over 25 years of tourism: The case of Gougezhuang village, China. Land Use Policy, 40, 119–130.
Zebardast, L., jafari, H.R., Badehyan, Z., & Asheghmoala, M. (2010). Assessment of the Trend of Changes in Land Cover of Arasbaran Protected Area Using Satellite Images of 2002, 2006 and 2008. Environmental Researches, 1, 23-33. (In Persian)
_||_Alegre, J., & Garau, J. (2010). Tourist satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Annals of TourismResearch, 37 (1), 52–73.
Ashournejad, Q., Heydari, Z., & Matinfar, H.M. (2013). An analysis of the relation and environment results of tourism development and land use changes on the city of Ramsar through using Landsat images. Journal of tourism planning and development, 12 (11), 122-144. (In Persian)
Briassoulis, H. (2010). Analysis of land use change. theoretical and modelling approach. Translated by Rafeyan, Mojtaba & Mahmoodi Mehran.Azarakhsh publications. (In Persian)
Chamber of trade of Kalardasht township. (2017). Data and information of active chamber in Kardasht township. (In Persian)
Consulting engineer of Civil, research & architecture. (1998). comprehensive plan City of kelardasht. (In Persian)
DeFries, R., Eshleman, K.N. (2004) Land-use change and hydrologic processes: a major focus for the future. Hydrol. Process. 18 (11), 2183–2186.
Dong, Rencai, Yu, Lijun and Liu, Guohua (2008). Impact of tourism development on land-cover change in a matriarchal community in the Lugu Lake area. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 15 (2008) 28–35.
Falahatkar, S., Saffianian, A., Khajeddin, S.J., & S.J. Ziaei, H. (2009). Isfahan land cover change detection in the past 4 decades using remote sensing. Journal of science and technology of agriculture and natural resources, water and soil science, 13 (47), 381-395. (In Persian)
Gossling, S., 2002. Global environmental consequences of tourism. Global Environ. Chang. 12 (4), 282–302.
Gunn, C.A. (2002). Tourism planning: Concepts, Basics,Case, New York and London: Routledge.
Hawkes, S., & Williams, P. (1993). From principals to practice: A case book of best environment practice in tourism. Burmaby, BC, Centre for tourism policy.
Ghadami, M., Alighilizadeh firouzjaei, N., & Anamoradnejad, R. (2010). The role of tourism in the destination, land use alterations (case study: Markazi Destrict of Noshar County, Mazandaran province). Journal urban- regional studies and research, 3 (21), 21-42. (In Persian)
Gun, C, M. (2002). Tourism planning: Concepts, Basics, Cases. New York and London Routledge.
Hssanimehr, S., & Shahvar, H. (2010). Consequences of tourism development in Heyran county with emphasizing on land use change. Quarterly Journal of Human Geography, 45 (1), 177-192. (In Persian)
Kuvan, Y. (2005). The use of forests for the purpose of tourism: the case of Belek Tourism Center in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Management, 75, 263–274.
Karimi, K., & Komaki, Ch. B. (2015). Monitoring, assessment and prediction of spatial changes of land use /cover using Markov chain model (Case study: Bostagh Plain - South Khorasan). RS & GIS for Natural Resources, 6 (2), 75-88. (In Persian)
Linderman, M.A., An, L., Bearer, S. (2005). Modeling the spatio-temporal dynamics and interactions of households, landscapes, and giant panda habitat. Ecol.Model, 183 (1), 47–65.
Mao, X., Meng, J., & Wang, Qi. (2014). Modeling the effects of tourism and land regulation on land-use change in tourist regions: A case study of the Lijiang River Basin in Guilin. China, Land Use Policy, 41, 368–377.
Marin-Yaseli, M.L., & Martinez, T.L. (2003). Competing for Meadows: a case study on tourism and livestock in the Spanish Pyrenees. Mount. Res. Dev, 23 (2), 169–176.
Mohamadi, M., Mahrabi, A., Ghorbani, A., Khorasani, M.A. (2012). Effective human force on land use change in marginal rural areas. (Case study: villages of Alkle and Seyben in Tonekabon township). Geography. International Journal of the Iranian Geographical Association, 10 (35), 279-298. (In Persian)
Monshizadeh, Rahmatollah and Khoshhal, Farhad (2005). The impact of tourism on land use change with emphasizing rural land. Journal of Geographical Science, 4 (5), 89-106. (In Persian)
Motielangrodi, S.H., Rezvani, M.R., & Kateb Azgomi, Z. (2012). Investigation of economic impact of agriculture landuse change in rural area (case study: Lichareky Hassanrod county in Anzaly Bandar Township. Research and Rural Planning, 1 (1), 1-24. (In Persian)
Petrov, L.O., Lavalle, C., & Kasanko, M. (2009). Urban land use scenarios for a tourist region in Europe: applying the MOLAND model to Algarve, Portugal. Landsc. Urban Plann, 92 (1), 10–23.
Priskin. J. (2001). Assessment of natural resources for nature-based tourism: the case of the Central Coast Region of Western Australia. Tourism Management, 22, 637–648.
Rezaee, M., Bijan Rahmani, B., Faraji Sabokbar, H.A., Rahmani Fazli, A. (2017). Modeling land cover changes in the rural of Isfahan Province by using GWT-test. Human Geography Research Quarterly, 49 (3), 505-518. (In Persian)
Schroeder, H. W. (2007). Place experience, gestalt, and the human–nature relationship. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27, 293–309.
Statistical Centre of Iran. (2016). (In Persian)
Tao, Teresa, C.H., & Wall, J. (2009). Tourism as a sustainable livelihood strategy. Tourism management, 30 (1), 90-98.
Yousefi, S., Moradi, H.R., Hosseini, S. H., & Mirzaee, S. (2011). Land use change detection using LandSat TM and ETMsatellite images over. MarivanJournal of Applied RS & GIS Techniques in Natural Resource Science, 2 (3), 97-105. (In Persian)
Wijesekara, G.N., Gupta, A., Valeo, C. (2012). Assessing the impact of future land-use changes on hydrological processes in the Elbow River watershed in southern Alberta, Canada. J. Hydrol. 412–413, 220–232.
Wu, B. (2001). A study on recreational belt around metropolis (ReBAM): Shanghai case. Sci. Geogr. Sin, 21 (4), 354–359.
Xi, J., Zhao, M., Quansheng, Ge., & Kong, Q. (2014). Changes in land use of a village driven by over 25 years of tourism: The case of Gougezhuang village, China. Land Use Policy, 40, 119–130.
Zebardast, L., jafari, H.R., Badehyan, Z., & Asheghmoala, M. (2010). Assessment of the Trend of Changes in Land Cover of Arasbaran Protected Area Using Satellite Images of 2002, 2006 and 2008. Environmental Researches, 1, 23-33. (In Persian)