Social capital impact assessment on governance in rural areas Case Study: Zanjan Township
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning StudiesNasrin Jafari 1 , Hamid Barghi 2 * , Yusef Ghanbari 3
1 - PhD Candidate in Geography and rural planning, Isfahan University, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Dep. of Geography and rural planning, Isfahan University, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Dep. of Geography and rural planning, Isfahan University, Iran
Keywords: Good governance, Participation, Zanjan Township,
Abstract :
Today governance as a precondition for sustainable development and a model for rural management is introduced. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of social capital on governance in rural areas of Zanjan Township. Applied research, descriptive and analytical methods used for data collection of documentary and field methods have been used. The sample population of this study, 319 of the households in rural areas are Zanjan township. Inferential information for the analysis of one sample t, correlation, multiple regression analysis and path. The results of the test t from the perspective of households in relation to the rule indicated that the legitimacy of the average 3.36 higher than the utility value (3) and transparency with an average of 2.62 lowest on account of the indicators of social capital as well as all indicators higher than the utility value (3), respectively. A significant relationship between indicators of social capital and governance (0.375) there. Among the social capital of trust with the greatest impact on governance 0/366 and 0/200 solidarity with the least effect.
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