Explaining the Role of Tourism in Rural Areas Entrepreneurship (Case Study: The Villages of Amlash and Rudsar)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning StudiesHassan Habibi Kaveshkouhi 1 * , Rahmattollah Monshizadeh 2 , Mohammad Taghi Razavian 3
1 - Ph.D. Candidate in Geography & Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Faculaty of Earth Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor of Faculaty of Earth Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Economic Development, Rural Areas, Rural tourism, rural entrepreneurship,
Abstract :
Recognizing successful economic systems in the world and going toward the economic advancement is of great significance to many countries. Using local economic patterns is one of the processes that many governments adopt to utilize available facilities so as to move towards their economic development goals. Creating an efficient environment in accordance with economic development can be highly effective in political interest for many governments of many countries. The area for economic activities encompasses both aspects residents’ lives including urban spaces and rural ones. As a matter of fact both aspects of life can be considered as golden opportunities to increase economic ability. So far, numerous scholars have conducted diverse studies, concerning various types of economic opportunities. In the last decade of twentieth century, tourism experienced drastic changes. The current research is of a descriptive-analytical and Data collection method is by completing the questionnaire in the format of the Likert specturm and research questions through the software SPSS and Excel, Maps are provided using the ARC GIS software. The results of the research show that there is a direct relationship between tourism and rural entrepreneurship development. Indeed, rural development has increased the opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment growth in rural areas. Based on the results of this research and other mentioned studies can be concluded that rural tourism plays a significant role in rural entrepreneurship, and many developing countries focus their planning towards the development of rural tourism and their competitive ability in tourism market. The incline in tourism capability causes noticeable prosperity, a sharp increase in entrepreneurship opportunities and a drastic rise in employment in rural regions.
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Sajjasi Qeidari, H., Roknoddin Eftekhari, A., Pourtaheri, M., & Azar, A. (2014). Ecotourism entrepreneurship development pattern in rural areas (case study: Teheran province tourism river valleys), Journal of Human Geography Research, 46 (2), 273 – 292. (In Persian)
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Stavrolakis, D., Karagiannis, S., Mitoula, R., & Papagrigoriou, A. (2013). Female entrepreneurship and agritourism cooperatives in the Greek periphery: an overview. American Journal of Economic and Business Administration, 5 (4), 129-138.
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_||_Ahmadpour Dariani, M., & Erfanian, A. (2007).The role and place of Entrepreneurship in appeal for economic development. Economic Magazine, 7 (69), 5 – 22. (In Persian)
Arabioun, A., Dehqan Najm Abadi, A., Reza Zadeh, A., Zarnegarian, Y., & Saedi Tapeh Dasht, T. (2011).The impact of organizational structures on entrepreneurship tendency of the people of the desired enterprise: Teheran university libraries (Pardis institutes that are located in Teheran). Librarianship Research Journal, 45 (58), 33 – 53. (In Persian)
Dadvarkhani, F., Rezvani, M. R., Imeni Qashlaqi, S., & Boozar Jamhari, Kh. (2012).The analysis of the role of tourism in entrepreneurship attribute development and the tendency towards entrepreneurship among young villagers (case study: Kandavan and Skadandan village of Oskoo city). Human Geography Research, 43 (78), 169 – 195. (In Persian)
Fallah Haqiqi, Negin. (2017).Rural entrepreneurship pyramid, based on rural development policies of European Union. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, 4 (1), 115 – 131. (In Persian)
Faraji Sabokbar, H. A., Motiei Langeroudi, S. H., Yadollahi Farsi, J., & Karimzadeh, H. (2014).Space Recognition and analysis of suitable spots for entrepreneurship opportunities in tourism of rural areas, case study of rural areas in Varzaqan town. Journal of Geographical Space, 14 (45), 19 – 46. (In Persian)
Firouzi, M.A, Goudarzi, M., & Zarei, R. (2013). Evaluation of mutual relationship between entrepreneurship development and consistent rural tourism (case study: with review Kharestan village of Behbahan city). Dry-land Geographical study magazine, 3 (12), 65 – 84. (In Persian)
Fons, M. V. S., Fierro, J. A. M., & y Patino, M. G. (2011). Rural tourism: A sustainable alternative. Applied Energy, 88 (2), 551-557.
Hossein, G. O., Alipour, H., & Dalir, S. (2014). An entrepreneurial tourism project through agro-tourism farm in Iran. Journal of Sustainable Development Studies, 6 (1), 48-63.
Imeni Qashlaqi, S., Khani, F., Hashemi, S. S. (2012). The role of tourism in developing village women’s Entrepreneurship (comparative study: Kandavan and Skandan village of Oskoo city). Geography and local development magazine, 18, 217 – 238. (In Persian)
Jakovic, B., Tubic, D., & Durovic, M. (2015). Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism by Developing New and Authentic Tourism Product. 3rd International Scientific Conference Tourism in Southern and Estern Europe 2015. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2637276
Karimi, S. (2015). Entrepreneurship in agricultural tourism, a new measurment for rural development. Journal of Entrepreneurship in agriculture, 1 (4), 69 – 90. (In Persian)
Karimi, S. (2016). Entrepreneurship qualifications in agricultural entrepreneurship tutorial. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, 3 (4), 50 – 70. (In Persian)
Karimzadeh, H., Nikjou, M. R., Sadr Mousavi, M. S., & Kouhestani, H. (2014). Tracing effective elements in making entrepreneurship opportunites in rural areas tourism by using Structural Model Equations (SME). Geography magazine and Environmental Planning, 25 (2), 269 – 290. (In Persian)
Kosmaczewska, J. (2008). The relationship between development of agrotourism in Poland and the local community potential. Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, 15 (2), 141-148.
Lordkipanidze, M., Brezet, H., & Backman, M. (2005). The entrepreneurship factor in sustainable tourism development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13 (8), 787-798.
Lotfi, S. (2005). Systematic approach as a must for the consistency of tourism in Mazandaran. Collection of articles of the first public festival about the role of industrial toursim in Mazandaran province development, Sari, Resanesh Publishers, 5 – 24. (In Persian)
Mace, D. (2005). Factors motivating agritourism entrepreneurs. In Risk and Profit Conference, Manhattan, Kansas. Available at http://www.agmanager/info/risk_profit/2005/Mace.pdf
Mahmoud Zadeh, S. M., & Arjmandian, S. (2017). Recognition and ranking entrepreneurship opportunities in rural tourism (Case study: Aab-ask). Planning magazine and tourism development, 6 (20), 131 – 149. (In Persian)
Mihailovic, B., & Moric, I. (2012). The role marketing philosophy in rural tourism development. Tourism & Hospitality Management, 18 (2), Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=219107.
Nahid, M. (2009). The main reason for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in one glance. Trade Evaluation magazine, 34, 39 – 58. (In Persian)
Pesonen, J. (2011). Segmantation of Rural Tourists: Combining Push and Pull Motivations. Tourism & Hospitality Management, 18 (1), Available at SSRN: http:// ssrn. com/ abstract = 2093447.
Qanbari, C., Dehqan, M. H., & Miraki Anari, H. (2015). Effective elements on entrepreneurship development in rural tourism. Journal of tourism management Studies, 10 (32), 1 – 20. (In Persian)
Qanyan, M., Fatovati, H. (2013). Measurment entrepreneurship with the aim of Village Women entrepreneurship development. Social, Economic, Cultural and Science Job and Society Monthly Magazine, 159, 34 – 40. (In Persian)
Qanyan, M., Khani, F., Baqayi, L. (2011). Evaluation of entrepreneurship space in rural tourism (case study: Oraman area). Rural Research Magazine, 2 (3), 99 – 123. (In Persian)
Ray, N., Dash, D. K., Sengupta, P. P., & Ghosh, S. (2012). Rural Tourism and It’s Impact on Socioeconomic Condition: Evidence from West Bengal, India. Global Journal of Business Research, 6(2), 11-22.
Razavi, S. R., & Jamshidi Kahsari, H. (2008). Village entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Journal, Pardis community of Qom Tehran University, 1 (1), 1 – 20. (In Persian)
Roknoddin Eftekhari, A., Pourtaheri, M., & Mahdavian, F. (2011). The priority of tourism capacity in rural areas of Nir city. Geography and Development Journal, 9 (24), 23 – 38. (In Persian)
Roknoddin Eftekhari, A., & Qaderi, I. (2002). The role of rural tourism in village development (the analysis and criticism of theoretical framework). Modares Humanities Seasonal, 6 (2), 23 – 40. (In Persian)
Sabbaq Kermani, M., & Amirian, S. (2000). Analysis of tourism economic impacts in Islamic Republic of Iran by using sent-received analysis. Trade Research Magazine, 16, 57 – 83. (In Persian)
Sajjasi Qeidari, H., Roknoddin Eftekhari, A., & Pourtaheri, M. (2014). Prioritizing Eco touristic entrepreneurship levels in rural areas (case study: villages with river-valley tourism potential in Teheran province), research magazine and rural planning, 3 (5), 13–27. (In Persian)
Sajjasi Qeidari, H., Roknoddin Eftekhari, A., Pourtaheri, M., & Azar, A. (2014). Ecotourism entrepreneurship development pattern in rural areas (case study: Teheran province tourism river valleys), Journal of Human Geography Research, 46 (2), 273 – 292. (In Persian)
Singh, A.K. (2010). Agri-tourism entrepreneurship: a tool to rural development. International Referred Research Journal, 2, 12-14.
Songkhla, T. N. (2012). Impact of agro-tourism on local agricultural occupation: A case study of Chang Klang district, Southern Thailand. Asean Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, 11 (2), 98-109.
Stavrolakis, D., Karagiannis, S., Mitoula, R., & Papagrigoriou, A. (2013). Female entrepreneurship and agritourism cooperatives in the Greek periphery: an overview. American Journal of Economic and Business Administration, 5 (4), 129-138.
Yang, L. (2016). Tourism Development and Quality of Life. Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, 2, Available at http:// Scholarworks. umass. edu/ttra/2012/oral/2.