participation effectiveness on enabling problematic urban settlements (Case Study: neighborhood of Banbarz , Ilam)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studiesabolfazl meshkini 1 , zahra tardast 2 *
1 - tarbiat modares university
2 - Islamic azad university, center tehran brench
Keywords: "social participation", "Enabling", "Problematic settlement", " Banbrz neighborhood",
Abstract :
Increasing trend of urbanization has led to problems in various dimensions that one of these issues are the settlements problematic urban that car way and without unplanned formed. Solving this problem, not with, sectional deal and selective or ignoring must go through a fundamental solution and can be analyzed radically. Apart from methods of dealing with these settlements, in terms of the attitude of local residents of The most important influencing factors in the process of regularize and enabling is considered problematic settlements. This research is targeted feasibility of the role social participation in enabling settlements problematic neighborhoods banbrz,and also infrastructure for improving neighborhood sustainable way through the participation of residents. The research method is descriptive - analytic and to collect data from the tool library and questionnaires were used.The study population are neighborhood residents banbrz, cochran's sample size by 5 percent error rate 376 students were randomly selected.To analyze of data in spss software was used, pearson correlation test and simple linear regression.The results of this study show that social participation and enabling of the settlements studied 566/0 is effective. 91/8 percent of residents also tend to be pervasive participation of cause of regularize and enabling neighborhood through Participation in decision-making and management , financing costs (the projects),supply human resources for the development of their neighborhood.
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