The Explanation of Decision Making Process in Establishing Of the Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas, With Emphasis on Gender Approach (Case Study: Souleghan District)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning StudiesFazileh Dadvarkhani 1 * , Somayeh Mosavi 2
1 - Professor, Dep. of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - MSc, Dep. of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: gender, entrepreneurship, rural women, decision-making, Spatial Diffusion theory, Kan and Souleghan Villages,
Abstract :
The aim of this empirical research is to analyze the factors influencing women's decision- making regarding adopting the entrepreneurship. In another word it evaluates the main factors which are effecting on extension of innovation adoption finalizing the adoption of entrepreneurship between rural women. The research concentrated on research in villages such as of Kan district that have considerable amount of entrepreneurs. The data has been collected by questionnaire on the base of Likert model and the documentary method as well, interviews . All entrepreneurs' women in the research area have been chosen, so no random selection is used. The statistical population of the research is the entrepreneurs family who growing and selling plants and flowers and living in 4 villages of the souleghan district.The research statistical population is 2,713 people, which include 667 households in the study area. All recipients of entrepreneurship and innovation that living in the 4 villages of Kan- souleghan are included in the sample population of the research ,that they are about 82 men and their wives.The data has been collected through the field work and library- base .they have been collected by questionnaires, interviews, books and various methods. The results shows that the family and social factors and personality of respondents have a greatest impact on the decision-making process of women in accepting an entrepreneurship, as well as their speed to make a decision. Finally, in the next step economic factors play a considerable role in this process and to their acceptance of an innovation.
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Sydayy, S.E., & Sadeghi, H. (2014). EntrepreneurshipandRural Development Planning. First Edition, Darkhoein Publications. (in Persian)
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World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (1995). the Role of Womenin Agricultural Development. Translation: Gholam Abbas Mosaheb. Tehran: Jihad Deputy Publishing promote public participation. (in Persian)
Yaghoubi Farani, A., & Movahedi, R. (2012). Analyzing the Obstacles Rural Women's Entrepreneurship Development. Journal ofEconomics (Monthly Community Work). 142, 38- 50. (in Persian)
ZamaniPour, A. (2000). The Promotion of Agriculture in the Development Process. Mashhad: Publications University of Mashhad. (in Persian)
_||_Abbas Palangi, M., & Mousavi Dolat Abadi, S.S. (2007). A Conceptual Model for Facilitating Employment and Entrepreneurship of Women in Iran. Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Women. Islamic Azad University Chalous Unit. March. (in Persian)
Adams, M.A. (1999). PromoteAgriculture inDeveloping Countries. Translation Iraj. Malek Mohammadi. Publish agricultural education. (in Persian)
Ahmad Pour Dariani, M. (2008). Entrepreneurship, Definitions, Theories, Models, Publication Pardic Company. (First Edition). Tehran: Pardis Company Publishing. (in Persian)
Amini, A.Z., & AhmadiShapoorabad, M.A. (2007). Employment of Rural Women in the City of Isfahan Province Brkhvar- Meymeh and Assess Its Impact on Their Economic Self-Reliance. Journal ofWomen's Studies. 5(1), 65- 92. (in Persian)
Asia Pacific Institute affiliated to the United Nations. (1986). Alternative Strategic Planning At The Local Level And Rural Development. Translation: A. Mokhber. Organization Program and Budget. (in Persian)
Center for Women's Participation. (2006). the Role of Womenin Development. Tehran. (in Persian)
Condor, S. (1986). Sex Role Beliefs in Feminist Social Psychology. Wilkinson, S. (ed.) Open University Press: Milton Keynes.
Dadvarkhany, F. & Shoubchiyan, SH. (2012). Gender Relations In Rural Areas Ind Its Effects On Women's Participation. A Comparative Study: Maridan village Township Langrood and Holi Village Township Paveh, Journal ofRural Research, 3. (in Persian)
Dadvarkhany, F. (2006). Rural Development and the Challenges of Women's Employment. GeographicalResearch, 55, 171- 188. (in Persian)
Danldaf, Kvratkr, Richard M., Hajts. (1990). DeliveryInnovations- Cross-CulturalApproach. Translation Ezatollah Karami and Aboutaleb Fanaee. First Edition, Publications Shiraz University/ (Press Center of Shiraz University Press). (in Persian)
Dauber, R. Scin, M. ceds. (1981). Women and Technological Chang in Developing Countries. Boulder. Co: West View Press. Ins.
Eisenstein, S. (1983). Bread And Roses: Working Women’s Consciousness in the United States. 1890 to World War I. Routledge & Kegan Paul: London.
Emad Zadeh, M. (2003). The Importance of Investing In Women's Education. Women'sJournal. (1) 7. 115- 138. (in Persian)
Fesharaki, P. (1996). RuralGeography. Islamic Azad University Press. (in Persian)
Firestone, S. (1970). The Dialectic of Sex: The CAS for Feminist Revolution. Morrow: New Yourk.
Freeman, J. (1973). Women on the Move: Roots of Revolt, In Academic Women on the Move. Rossi, A. And A. Calderwood (Eds). Sage: New Yourk.
Gaglio, C.M., Katz, J.A. (2001). The Psychological Basis of Opportunity Identification: Entrepreneurial Alertness. Small Business Economics. 16(2). 95-111.
Geddes, Janet. (2002). Tackling Womens Participation Wthin Community Based Natural Resources Management. Action for Social Advancement, pp.1-14.
Gelard, P. (2005). Factors Affecting the Development of Women Entrepreneurship. Women'sJournal, (3) 1, 101- 123. (in Persian)
Gelard, P. (2009). Family and Women's Entrepreneurship Development Strategies. Women'sJournal. 7, 131- 149. (in Persian)
Gobayand, I. and Hakobion L. (1998) Rural Womens Participation in Decision Making In Armenia. (Online).
Golbaziyan, SH., & Karami Dehkordi, E. (2012). Factors Affecting Farmers' Decisions to Accept Innovation. Proceedings of the National Conference and Solutions to Achieve Sustainable Development. (in Persian)
Hadyan, E., & Sahar Kheaz, A. (2006). The Contribution of Rural Women's Economic Activities ANIMAL (Case Study: City Jahrom). Journal ofIsfahan University. 21(2), 21- 39. (in Persian)
Hajilo, F & Khani, F. (2008). The Effect of Men's Attitudes to Create Independent Groups of Rural Women. Case Study: East Azarbaijan Province. Journal ofRuralDevelopment. 11(4), Consecutive 42. (in Persian)
Ham, M., & Gamble, S. (2003). Culture,FeministTheories. Translators: Fearouzeh Mohajer. Farokh Gharah Daghi. Noushin Ahmadi Khorasani. First Edition. Publish development. Tehran. (in Persian)
Hamed Moghadam, A. (1994). Participation andParticipatoryRuralDevelopment. Articles Collection Seminar Sociology. Volume II, Tehran: Publications Samt. (in Persian)
Heydari Sareban, V. & Roknodin Eftekhari, A. (2011). Factors Affecting The Date Farmers In Rural Production Cooperatives Published In The Form of A Combination of Innovations, Case Study: State Ardebil. Rural Development. 3 (1), 149- 166. (in Persian)
Heydari Sareban, V. (2006). The Formation of Rural Cooperatives. A Vital Step towards Achieving Environmental Sustainability. MonthlyJahad. 275, 260- 261. (in Persian)
Heydari, G. & Jahan Nama, F. (2003). The Ability of Rural Women in the Agricultural Sector. Journal of Women. 1(6), 129- 164. (in Persian)
Horner, M.S. (1972). Toward An Understanding of Achievement- Related Conflicts in Women. Journal of Social Issues 28. PP. 157- 75.
Hystrych, R., & Peterz, M. (2006). Entrepreneurship. Translation Ali Reza Fyz Bakhsh and Hamid Reza Taghy Yari. Second Edition. Tehran: Sharif University of Technology. (in Persian)
Janeway, E. (1981). The Powers of the Weak. Morrow Quill: New Yourk.
Jarollahi, O. (1992). History of Women's Employment in Iran. Journal ofSocial Sciences. 8 & 7, 201- 220. (in Persian)
Karami, E. (1988). PromoteAgriculturalDevelopmentTheories. Proceedings of the First National Congress of Issues of Agricultural Development in Iran. Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Organization. (in Persian)
Karpisheh, L. (2003). Women, Economic Theory, Innovation. MonthlyJahad. (23)260, 67- 73. (in Persian)
Khani, F & Saeedi, A. (2009). Social Space, Public Administration and Sex. Journal of Geographical Society of Iran, 22. (in Persian)
Khani, F, & Ahmadi, M. (2009). Socio-Economic Factors That Influence Women's Participation In Decision-Making In Rural Areas, Case Study: Chyr- Rural Area Yamchi City Of Zanjan. Research for Women, 22, 95- 113. (in Persian)
Khani, F. (1996). Status and Role of Women In The Process Of Rural Development, Case Study: State Gilan. Dissertation for a Doctorate. Thesis to Doctorate. Tarbiat Modares University. (in Persian)
Khosravipour, B. & Forushani, N. (2008). The Necessity and Importance of Women's Participation in Promotional Programs. Magazine Work and Society, 104 & 105, 72- 81. (in Persian)
Lhsayy Zadeh, A, Jahangiri, J., & Khajeh Nouri, A. (2005). Evaluation of Rural Women's Economic Participation (Case Study: Fars Province). SociologyIran, (6) 3. (in Persian)
Mackinnon, C. (1982). Feminism, Marxism, Method and the State: An Agenda for Theory. In Feminist Theory. Keohane. N.O. etal. (Eds). Harvester Brighton.
Maneja, Claire Aster p. (2002). Women Waving and the Web: An Analysis of Rural Indian Womens Agency in Attaininy Economic Empowerment. Master of Arts Thesis in Communication. Culture and Tecnoloy/, Washinyton, D.C.
Mill, J.S. and Mill, H.T. (1970). Essays on Sex Equality. Rossi, A.S. (ed.), University Of Chicago Press: Chicago.
Millett, K. (1970). Sexual Politics.Doubleday: New York.
Moeen Zadeh Mir Hoseyni, Sh. S., Ghazi Nouri, S.S., Vahdat, D., & Karim Zadegan Moghadam, D. (2012). Experimental Study of the Relationship between Emissions and Their Impact on Organizational Innovation Trust Banking and Mobile Reception. ResearchGeneralManagement, (5) 16. (in Persian)
Mohammadiasl, A. (2002). SexandPartnership,Introduction to Sociology of Political Participation of Women. Tehran: Publications Intellectuals and Women's Studies. (in Persian)
Momsen, J. H. and Townsend, J. (1987). Geography of Gender in the Third World. Hutchinson: London.
Movahed, H., Lashgar Ara, F., & Korkeh Abadi, N. (2006). Gender Analysis and Rural Women. MonthlyJahad, (26) 273. (in Persian)
Movahedi, R. And Yaghoubi-Farani, A. (2012). Analysis of the Barriers and limitation For the Development of Rural Womens Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 15(4). 469- 487.
Movahedi, R., & Yaghoubi Farani, A. (2012). Introduction toRural Entrepreneurship. Bu-Ali Sina University Press. First Edition. (in Persian)
Najafi, M. (2000). TopicsPresentedCollection InWorkshop "Enabling Rural Women Through Entrepreneurship". Jahad Ministry. Office of the Rural and Tribal Women. (in Persian)
Oakley, P., & Marsden, D. (1989). Participatory ApproachesIn Rural Development. Translation: Mansour Mahmoudnejad, Publications Jahad. (1991). Series Publications Rural Development. 4. (in Persian)
Omidi Najaf Abadi, M. & Soltani, Sh. (2006). EntrepreneurshipandRural Women, MonthlyJahad. 272. (in Persian)
Pasban, F. (2007). Social And Economic Factors Affecting Rural Women's Employment (1968- 2004). Journal ofAgricultural EconomicsandDevelopment, 53. 153- 180. (in Persian)
Petchesky, R.P. (1986). Abortion and Women’s Choice. Verso: London.
Phillimore, J. (2002). Gender, Tourism, Employment and Fun. Inm. Swain & J. Momsen (Eds). Gender. Tourism. Fun?
Pouladi, K. (2008). Decision Making, FromRural and UrbanManagement. Publications of the Country's Municipalities and Dehyaryha. First Edition. (in Persian)
Presidential Office for Women's Affairs. (1993). The Role Of womenIn Development. Tehran: Press Enlightenment. (in Persian)
Reeasi Mobarakeh, S. (1997). Rural Women's Participation in the Ddevelopment Process of Transition to Industrial Society. Gathering Women. Participation and Agriculture 1400. First Volume. Institute of Planning and Agricultural Economics. (in Persian)
Richard L. Morrill and Diana Mannine. (1975). Crtiticcal Paramenters Uf Spatial Deffusion Processes. Economic Geography. Vol.51.No3.P.269.
Rogers, Everett M., Shoemaker & F, Floyd. (1990). Deliver Innovations- Cross-Cultural Approach, Translation Ezatollah Carami and Abutaleb Fanaee. First Edition, Publications University of Shiraz (Press the Center of Shiraz University Press). (in Persian)
Rogers, Everett. M. (1995), Diffusion of Innovation. New York: Free Press.
Roknodin Eftekhari, A., & Sojasi Ghidari, H. (2010). Rural Development with An Emphasis On Entrepreneurship. (Definitions. perspectives and experiences). Tehran: Samt. (in Persian)
Rosaldo, M.Z. and Lamphere, L. (Eds) (1974). Woman, Culture and Society. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA.
Saber, F. (2003). Ways ofDevelopingFemale Entrepreneurshipin Iran. Empowerment Strategies for Women's Equality in the Economic, Social and Political In Iran. Tehran: Publication of Intellectuals and Women's Studies. March. Second Edition. (in Persian)
Safari Shali, R. (2008). Social And Cultural Factors Related To The Participation Of Rural Women In Family And Social Affairs. Women in Development &Politics (ResearchsWomen), 20. 137- 159. (in Persian)
Salehi, M. (2007). Characteristics ofWomen Entrepreneurs. Proceedings of theRegionalSeminar onWomen. Development of Entrepreneurship. Islamic Azad University Chalous unit, March. (in Persian)
Samad Aghaee, J. (2008). Understanding The Organizational Context To Attract And Grow Entrepreneurs. Teharn: Industrial Management Institute. (in Persian)
Sarmadi, F, Malmir, P., & Sarikhani, N. (1998). Rural WomenandTheirJobs. Tehran: The Institute of the Researcher-Planning and Agricultural Economy. (in Persian)
Shabbir Amama, Silvana DI Gregorio. (1996). An Examination Of The Relationship Between Women Personal Goals And Structural Factors Influencing Their Decision To Start A Business: The Case of Pakistan. Journal of Business Venturing. P.P. 507-529.
Shah Abadi, A. (2006). Analysis of Teachers Training Programs, Promotion of Rural Women in Yazd Province. MonthlyJahad. 272. (in Persian)
Shakuie, H. (2006). NewIdeasin Philosophy. Geography (First Volume). Publication of the Gitashenasi. Eighth Edition. (in Persian)
Shane, S. (2000). Prior knowledge And the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Organization Science. 11(4). 448- 469.
Shane, S. Locke, E. A. And Collins, C. J. (2003). Entrepreneurial Motivation. Human Resource Management Review. 13 (3). 257- 279.
Smith, D. (1974). Women’s Perspective as a Radical Critique of Sociology. Sociological Inquiry. Vol. 44. No. 1. pp. 7- 13.
Sydayy, S.E., & Sadeghi, H. (2014). EntrepreneurshipandRural Development Planning. First Edition, Darkhoein Publications. (in Persian)
Williamson, J. (1978). Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning In Advertising. Marion Boyars: London.
World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (1995). the Role of Womenin Agricultural Development. Translation: Gholam Abbas Mosaheb. Tehran: Jihad Deputy Publishing promote public participation. (in Persian)
Yaghoubi Farani, A., & Movahedi, R. (2012). Analyzing the Obstacles Rural Women's Entrepreneurship Development. Journal ofEconomics (Monthly Community Work). 142, 38- 50. (in Persian)
ZamaniPour, A. (2000). The Promotion of Agriculture in the Development Process. Mashhad: Publications University of Mashhad. (in Persian)