Evaluating of the influence of Islamic texture on sense of security based on second generation CPTED (Case Study: Fahadan neighborhood of Yazd city)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
Keramatollah Ziari
Mohammad Sina Shahsavari
Esmaeil Najafi
1 - Professor, Geography Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - M.A. Student in Geography and Urban Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - M.A. Student in Geography and Urban Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Sense of Security, Yazd city, Islamic texture, second generation CPTED principle's, Fahadan Neighborhood,
Abstract :
Sense of security has been historically one of the basic human needs. So the aim of this study is to find out whether the second generation CPTED principles in the Islamic texture of Fahadan neighborhood have been effective in sense of security or not? In this study, indicators of community culture, connectivity, threshold capacity and social cohesion are used as second-generation CPTED principles and the sense of security is used as dependent variable. This is a survey research and was conducted through a questionnaire survey. By using probability sampling (kokran method), 364 residents living in Islamic texture of Fahadan were selected. The T-test was used to check whether there is a sense of security in this context or not. In the next step, according to the types of variables, Pearson correlation test was used. The results showed that level of Fahadan neighborhood sense of security with an average of 3.62 on the Likert scale has a suitable situation but this indicator has completely inverse relationship with second generation CPTED principles in the Islamic texture. The results in terms of analyzing sense of security according to sex showed that men, unlike women are feeling more secure in Islamic texture according to these principles. By analyzing the results, it became clear that the existing sense of security in the Islamic texture was not related to second generation CPTED principles and the cause of it should be in other fields.
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