Measurement of social sustainability rate in rural areas Using Fuzzy Delphi and Fuzzy TOPSIS techniques (Case study: The rural-ship of PaeenVelayat in Kashmar Township)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studieselyas chehrazi 1 * , ali Monazzam esmailpour 2 , mehdi ghanei zare 3
1 - university payame - noor Kashmar
2 - payame noor kashmar
3 - Kashmar Azad University
Keywords: Social sustainability, Fuzzy Delphi technique, Fuzzy TOPSIS technique, Subjective Criteria, Rural areas over 1000 residents,
Abstract :
The concept of sustainable development can be mode of balance between the different dimensions of development considered, which aims to satisfy the needs and improve the quality conditions human life. Therefore, in order to achive sustainable development, appropriate utilization of resources and the creation relationship balance and equitable between human, society and nature, the ideal aim development planners and managers, particularly rural development is to be considered. Rural population our, affect under trends and policy of recent decades transformations has been widely, but evidences show that rural areas tend to move toward instability – particulary social instability. Accordingly with reviewing theories of sustainable development and social sustainability, we designed a questionnaire in order to measure subjective social sustainability criteria of rural areas which its criteria has been valued using Fuzzy Delphi method and subsequently Fuzzy TOPSIS technique was used in order to analyze the villages over 1000 residents of PaeenVelayat rural district and in order to achieve this goal we distributed 384 samples among mentioned villagers of rural district. The methodology of research is Descriptive-Analytical. Results show that all social sustainability subjective criteria of Kasrineh and ZendehJan are placed in sustainable cluster, but the village AshratAbad zard are placed at least sustainable cluster.
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