Analysis of the role of tourism on promotion of environmental knowledge and awareness of the villagers, case study: the touristic route of Savar- Tutakhaneh
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning StudiesAlireza Soleimani 1 , Ali majnoony 2 , Ahmad Aftab 3 *
1 - Associate Professor at Geography and Urban Planning, Payam Noor university
2 - Department of Art & Architecture, University of Bonab, Bonab, Iran
3 - دکتری جغرافیا و برنامهریزی شهری، مدرس دانشگاه ارومیه، ارومیه، ایران
Keywords: Tourism, Rural Development, environmental awareness, touristic route of Savar- Tutakhaneh, Bonab Count,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is developmental with a descriptive and survey nature and it is an analytical and casual-comparative research. The research population consisted of all residents in Touristic villages of Bonab (Savar and Tutakhaneh Villages) which was more similar to the tourstic villages of Savar and Tavakkane in terms of social and environmental characteristics. Using the random sampling method based on Cochran formula, the sample size for this study obtained 234 persons and for equality of test results, 234 persons of the villagers living in non-touristic villages (Algoo and Rovesht e Koochak villages) were chosen as control group. Data analysis is done using Kolmogorov Smirnov, Pearson and T tests. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. Pilot study was done in the same region with a population of 45 questionnaires and using the data obtained and Cronbach's alpha special formula in SPSS software, the reliability of the questionnaire obtained 0/89. T-test results in relation to environmental awareness of these two groups’ shows that the relation among the variables of protection of flora and fauna coverage, soil conservation, lack of noise, using organic farming methods, the need to reduce fossil fuel production, the need for systematic waste disposal and the use of non-renewable waste with the dependent variable (tourism) is significant. Finally, according to the findings of the study, practical suggestions on making best use of the capabilities of the tourism industry in order to protect of the environment are provided
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