Compatibility with Sustainable Environment Based On Ecovillage in Rural Communities around Wetland Ecosystems (Case Study: Villages Surrounding the Zarivar Wetland, Kordestan Porvince)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning StudiesMohammadamin Khorasani 1 * , Sima Sadi 2
1 - Assistant Professor- Faculty of Geography- University of Tehran
2 - PhD Student- Tabriz University
Keywords: محیط زیست پایدار, اکوسیستم تالاب, الگوی اکوویلج, جامعه روستایی, تالاب زریوار,
Abstract :
Compatibility with sustainable environment based on ecovillage model in rural communities around the wetland's ecosystems. Case study: the zerivar wetlands surrounding villages. Sustainable livelihood and conserve resources for the next generation. The aim of this study is to assess the compatibility of environment sustainability of indicators based on ecovillage model near the villages around the zerivar wetland's ecosystem. The statistical population of this research includes 1539 households and by using Cochran's test, 255 sample were selected. In field studies to collect the required data it has been prepared and completed a questionnaire among the villages were interviewed and along with, it's the most important part of the field studies. The questions of the questionnaire includes closed questions. The likert scale was used in the designing of the questions. The validity of the test by cronbach's alpha was 0.71 percent. Based on their distance of the lake (up to 3 km Zerivar Lake) the villages were selected. And also it has been interviewed with the subject persons to complete the evidences. It has been used the chi_square and kruskal Wallis test in the SPSS software for analysis the data. The data shows that social _ cultural indicators have the largest part of the sustainability of the rural communities Based on ecovillage and ecosystem in the villages around the zerivar wetland. On the second level economic indicators have the most important part in the sustainability of rural communities based on wetland ecosystems and in the villages around the zerivar wetland.
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