On the Analysis of Barriers in front of Domestic Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas with Emphasis on Resistive Economy to Deprived Areas from Basiji Jihadist Students' Points of View (Case Study: Kamfiroz Rural District, Marvdasht County)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
M. Rahmanian koushki
Y. Zarei
A. Estelaji
1 - Ph.D in Geography & Rural Planning, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D in Geography & Rural Planning, Yong Researchers and Elite Club,Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
3 - Professor, Departmant of Geography, Yadgar Imam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahre Rey, Iran
Keywords: barriers, rural women, Domestic entrepreneurship, resistive economy,
Abstract :
Small scale entrepreneurship in business format at home and housework is considered as an important solution for creating employment and revenue around the world, and it can be a shortcut to realizing a resistive economy in our country. Although domestic entrepreneurship is one of the best fields of women’s economic activity, particularly in rural areas, its development is facing lots of obstacles and limitations.Accordingly, the present study was done with the aim of analyzing the barriers in front of domestic entrepreneurship with emphasis on resistive economy. The dominant approach of this study was quantitative based on survey method. The population included 150 Basiji Jihadist students in Marvdasht Islamic Azad university (N=150) which were studied using census method. Finally, 126 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Questionnaire was the main tool to collect data. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and specialists. In order to determine the reliability of the research tool, a pre-test was performed. The Cronbach alpha was calculated for the main scale of the questionnaire (α = 0.794), which indicated the suitability of the research tool. The data was analyzed using SPSSwin22 and LISREL 8.80 software. For identifying obstacles in front of home entrepreneurship with an emphasis on resistive economy, and to investigate the good index of the research model, the exploratory factor analysis and also, confirmatory factor analysis as well as structural equations model (SEM) were employed, separately. The results of factor analysis related to the barriers in front of domestic entrepreneurship showed that variables have been subjected to six factors of supportive weakness, economic barriers, cultural and social barriers, knowledge and information giving weaknesses, family barriers and lack of relevant laws. These six factor explained 70.521 % variance of the obstacles in front of domestic entrepreneurship with an emphasis on resistive economy. Finally, some recommendations were developed based on the research findings.
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Yaghoubi Farani, A., & Movahedi, R. (2012). Analysis the Barriers and limitations of rural women entreoreneurship development in Iran. Work and Community Magazine, 10 (124), 38-50. (In Persian)
Yaghoubi Farani, A., Vahdat Moaddab, H., & Latifi, S. (2014). Identifying inhibitions of rural womens trend to home businesses (Case Study: Sardrod district, Razan County). Journal of Women in Development and Politics, 11 (4), 559-574. (In Persian)
Zarei, Y., & Zarei, G. H. (2012). Establish the position of village resistive economy. National Conference of National Production, Work and Human Capital Support. Boushehr Province, Pars Special Economic Zone in Assaluyeh, December 2012, 1-7. (In Persian).
_||_Abdolmaleki, J., & Rashidi, Z. (2012). LISREL in plain language: structural equation modeling. (1nd Ed.). Tehran: Jame’e Shenasan publication. (In Persian)
Ahmadpur-e-Dariani, M. (2006). Intrepreneurship in home businesses. (1nd Ed.). Tehran: Mehrabe Ghalam Publication. (In Persian).
Asadi, A. (2014). Islamic economic system is a complete model for resistive economy. Journal Management System. 2 (5), 25-39. (In Persian)
Barkhordari, F. (2010). Challenges and strategies for the development of domestic jobs in Iran. Capital & Market Journal, 11 (1), 1-6 (In Persian)
Daneshjafari, D., & Karimi, S. (2015). Oil, 6th development plan, resistive economy. Journal Management System. 2 (8), 1-35. (In Persian)
Entezarian, N., & Tahmasebi, T. (2010). Barriers and strategies for the development of domestic jobs in Iran. Capital & Market Journal. 9 (127), 78-98. (In Persian)
Esfidani, M. R., & Mohsenin, SH. (2014). LISREL. (1nd Ed.). Tehran: Ketabe Mehraban Publication. (In Persian)
Fallah-Jelodar, R., Farajollah- Hosseini, S. J., Hosseini, S. M. & Mirdamadi, M. (2008). Factors contributing to the success of rural womens entrepreneurship in North of Iran. Village and Development. 10 (4), 87-115 (in Persian).
Habibpour, K. & Safari, R. (2011). A comprehensive guide to the use of SPSS survey research. (1nd Ed.). Tehran: Motefakeran publication (in Persian).
Harpa, E., Moica, S. & Dana, R. (2015). A predictive model of innovation in rural entrepreneurship. Procedia Technology. 19 (1), 471-478.
Kalantaridis, C. & Bika, Z. (2011). Entrepreneurial origin and the configuration of innovation in rural areas: the case of Cumbria, North West England. Environment and Planning. 43 (4), 866-884.
Karim, M. H., Safdarinahad, M. & Amjadipour, M. (2014). Agricultural development and resistive economy, as an alternative to oil revenue. Journal Management System. 2 (6), 103-127 (in Persian).
Khanifar, H., Ahmadi Azarm, H. & Zamanifar, M. (2010). Home- based entrepreneurship: identifying important motivations and role of the demographic traits. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development. 3 (9), 181-203 (in Persian).
Management and Planning Organization of fars province.( 2013). Statistical Yearbook of fars province 2013, Management and Planning Organization of fars province, Department of Statistics and Information. )in Persian(.
Mehr, M. (2010). Domestic jobs, benefits and challenges. Work and Community Magazine. 8 (108), 104-106 (in Persian).
Ming-Yen, W. & Chong, S. (2008). Improving women entrepreneurship in SMEs in Malaysia: Policy recommendation. Journal of Communication of the IBIMA. 2 (1), 31-38.
Mirghafoori, H., Sayyadi Tooranloo, H. & Taheri Demneh, M. (2009). Investigating the barriers of womens entrepreneurship in Iran Society (Case: the women entrepreneurs of Yazd Province). Transformation Management Journal. 1 (2), 47-64 (in Persian).
Mirlotfi, M. R., Alavizadeh, A. M. & Badakhsh. (2014). The pathology of home business development in rural areas (Case Study: Dyshmuk District in Kohgiluyeh County). Journal of Research and Rural Planning. 3 (1), 1-11 (in Persian).
Mir-Mohammadi, S.S. (2009). Entrepreneurship and small businesses. Industry Review and Technology Magazine. 19 (109), 11-13 (in Persian).
Muske, G. & Woods, M. (2005). Home-based business: An economic development alternative. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University.
Najafi, B., & Safa, L. (2014). Analysis for home businesses and entrepreneurial challenges of development in rural areas. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture. 1 (2), 61-73 (in Persian).
Pezhouhandeh, M. H. (2015). Obstacles of resistive economy.Journal of Social Eslamic Research. 21 (3), 185-237 (in Persian).
Pierce- Lyons, R. (2009). The Home Entrepreneur Systems Model: A grounded theory of home-based business needs and practices. Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia.
Pishbin, A. R., Iravani, H., Movahed Mohammadi, H., Shabanali Fami, H., & Rezvanfar, A. (2012). An investigation of the Role of Environmental Factors on Entrepreneurial Orientation, Evidences from Iranian Animal Production Cooperatives. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, 43 (3), 497-509. (In Persian)
Pishgahifard, Z., & Poolab, O. (2009). A future research on the status of womens employment in Middle East Case Studt of Iran. Journal of Women in Development and Politics, 7 (3), 89-106. (In Persian)
Rezaei, R., & Najafi, B. (2015). Barriers of stating and expanding home based businesses inrural areas of Urmia County. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 8 (3), 433-451.
Roudgarnejad, F., & Kiakajouri, K. (2009). Challenges and barriers to business development. First National Conference on Business Development (Challenges and Solutions). Tehran, 135-143. (In Persian)
Saadi, H., Jalilian, S., & Yaghoubi Farani, A. (2014). The influence of home based businesses on rural womens social empowerment. Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 5 (19), 85-107. (In Persian)
Saadi, H., & Heidari, F. (2014). Home business cooperatives (HBCs) in Hamadan Province: challenges and solutions. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development,6 (1), 87-104. (In Persian)
Sharifzadeh, A., Khajeh Shahkohi, A. R., Abdollahzadeh, GH. H. & Sharifi, M. (2014). Diagnosing development of rural family enterprises in Golestan Province. Journal of Rural Research, 5 (1), 1-24. (In Persian)
Taggart, J. (2010). Networking experiences of Australian home based businesses. DBA Thesis, Southern Cross University, Australia.
Tipple, G. (2006). Employment and work conditions in home based enterprises in four developing countries: Do they constitute ‘decent work? Journal of Work, Employment and Society, 20 (1), 167-179.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization. (2003). Industrial development report 2002/ 2003.1-187.
Walker, E., Wang, C., & Remond, J. (2008). Women and work-life balance: is home-based business ownership the solution?. Equal Opportunities International, 27 (3), 258-275.
Yaghoubi Farani, A., & Movahedi, R. (2012). Analysis the Barriers and limitations of rural women entreoreneurship development in Iran. Work and Community Magazine, 10 (124), 38-50. (In Persian)
Yaghoubi Farani, A., Vahdat Moaddab, H., & Latifi, S. (2014). Identifying inhibitions of rural womens trend to home businesses (Case Study: Sardrod district, Razan County). Journal of Women in Development and Politics, 11 (4), 559-574. (In Persian)
Zarei, Y., & Zarei, G. H. (2012). Establish the position of village resistive economy. National Conference of National Production, Work and Human Capital Support. Boushehr Province, Pars Special Economic Zone in Assaluyeh, December 2012, 1-7. (In Persian).