On the Explanation the Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Social Capacity Making in Rural Areas (Case Study: Meshkin Shahr County)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning StudiesV. Heydari sareban 1 * , A. majnoni totakhanhe 2
1 - Associate Professor, of Geography & Rural Planning, Mohaghegh Ardebili University, Ardebil, Iran
2 - M.A in Geography & Rural Planning, Mohaghegh Ardebili University, Ardebil, Iran
Keywords: Rural Development, information and communication technology, Meshkinshar County, Capacity Making, Social Capacity Making,
Abstract :
Social capacity making refers to a set of assets within a community which can include the resources needed to accomplish particular tasks or awareness, expertise, and leadership for an event. The objective of this paper is to analyze the role of information and communication technology on social capacity making in rural areas of Meshkin Shahr. This study was developmental and also, descriptive and analytical research in terms of the purpose and nature. Population of this study included all villages with Rural Information and Communication (ICT) offices of Meshkin Shahr. For estimation of sample size, Cochran sampling method was used with 95% confidence level. In this research, data collection method was used to answer the research questions in both documentary (secondary data) and survey (primary data) and the tools used in the survey method were questionnaire and interview. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts. Guidance study in the same area as the population was done with 30 questionnaires and the reliability of the various sections of the questionnaire was 0.71-0.84 by data obtained and using the special Cronbach Alpha formula in SPSSsoftware. Finally, the results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between all variables of research and enjoying the information and communication technology services, except for the variables of social cohesion and social services. Also, practical suggestions were presented according to the results of the research.
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Bakhshizadhe, V., Hasanzadhe, Y., & Gholizadhe, B. (2012). Suervy of ICT Effects on Rural Development, Case Study: Sarei County. Jouranl of IT, 5 (5), 24-65. (In Persian)
Baser, H., & Morgan, P. (2010). Capacity, Change and Performance. Study Report. Discussion Paper No 59B. European Centre for Development Policy Management.
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Bethke, L., Good , J., & Thompson, P. (1997). Building Capacities for Risk Reduction. 1stEdition, Disaster Management Training Programme, DHA.
Blumenthal, B. (2005). Investing in Capacity Building, Published by Center for the Study of Humon Rights at Columbia University and the Banyan Tree Foundation. Capacity Bulding Agenda 21 Definiton (2000). Chapter 37, United Nations conference on Environment Development (UNCED).
Chapagain, C, P. (2005). Human Resource Capacity Building therouh Appreciative Inquiry Approach in Achiving Developmental Goals, Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Dector of Philosophy, Human Resource Management Madison University.
Connolly, P., & Lucas, L. (2006). Strengthening- Non-Profit performance: A funder’s Guide to capacity building Saint Paul: Amherst H.Wilder Foundation, 1(2), 17-25.
Eisari, H. (2005). Capacity Building and Civic Society a Process further from Educational Frontiers. Journal of Economic New Living, 5 (7), 63- 41. (In Persian)
Evansm B., Joas, M., Sunkback, S., & Theobald, K. (2005). governing sustainable cities, Earthscan. London, Sterling, VA.
Faraji Sabokbar, H., Khaki, A., & Nemati, M. (2010). Evaution of ICT Role on Rural Womens Empowerment, Case Study: Garnabad Village. Jouranl of Geography, 2 (2), 160-172. (In Persian)
Ghafary, G. (2009). The State and Rural development. critical Middle Eastern Studies, 15 (3), 281-298. (In Persian)
Heidari Sarban, H. (2009). The Role of Empowerment Khnowldge of Agricultural jihad Experts and Farmers on Agricultural Development, A thesis presented for degree of Ph.D in geography and rural planning, Tarbait Modares, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Heidari Sarban, V., & Majnoni totakhanhe, A. (2015). Suervy of Social Capacity Building on Villagers Participation in Recounstruction Activities, case study: Benab County. Journal of Space Geographic Perperation, 6 (19), 89-104. (In Persian)
Horton, D. (2002). Planning Implementing and Evaluating Capacity Development. (ISNAR) International Service for National Agricultural Research, Briefing Paper, 5 (2), 23-50.
Hudson, h.E. (2006). From the Rural Village to Global Village: Telecommunications for Development. Laerance Evlbaum association
Iheriohanma, E. (2011). Capacity Building, leadership Question and Drains of Corruption in Africa: A Theoretical Discourse. Asian Social Science, 7 (3), 111-145.
Kazemian, Hh., Ghorbanizadhe, V., & Shfeia, S. (2013). Attainment to Community Sustainable Development through Communities Social Capacity-building and Informal Pareish Economy Activists, Case Study: New Shemiran. Journal of Urban Studies, 1 (4), 1-10. (In Persian)
Molaei Hashshjin, N.A., Moradi, M., & Mohmadi, M. (2013). Role of ICT Office on Rural Sustainable Development, Case Study: Meshginshahr County. Journal of Geography Reserch, 4 (44), 147- 168. (In Persian)
Moteiei Langrodi., S.H., Rezvai, M., Faraji Sabkbar, H., & Nemati, M. (2012). Analysis of Social and Economical Effects of Rural ICT, Case Study: Central Districrt of Gorgan County. Jouranl of Geography, 8 (26), 33-59. (In Persian)
Nakhaei, K., Nakhaei, H., Nakhaei, F., & Yosefi, F. (2011). the Effects of ICTon Entreprenurship Creativity. journal of Education Strategies, 2 (4), 53- 56. (In Persian)
Noya, A., E. Clarence & G. Craig (eds.) (2012). Community Capacity Building: Creating a Better Future Together. OECD, Paris.
OECD. (2002). Governance for sustainable development. five OECD case studies, Paris, OECD.
Rafieian, M., & Ahmadzadhe Nanva, H. (2014). Measurement of Social Participation Capacities on Interventional Policies in Urban Inefficient Parishes. Jouranl of Social walfare, 12 (46), 353-372. (In Persian)
Rajabifard, A., & Williamson, I.P. (2005). SDI Development and Capacity Building. GSD 17 Conference, Bangalore, India . (In Persian)
Sikor, T. (2012). Empowerment and Empowering Process: A Theory Development Seminar Series. University of Michigan, 2 (11), 76-83.
Taleshi, M., Jomehepour, M., & Ganjipour, M. (2014). Role of Government Ivestment on Capacity Building, Case Study: Villages of Aran and Bidgou. Journal of Regional planning, 5 (10), 59- 74. (In Persian)
University of Foreign Affairs. (2000). A Capacity building focus, University of Foreign Affairs.
Verity, F. (2008). Community Capacity Building–A Aeview of the Literature; Retrieved from: http://www.health.sa.gov.au.
Wakely, P. (2008). Capacity Building for better Cities. DPUNEWS, Journal of the Development Planning Unit, London, University College.