Evaluating the Physical Effects of Renovation and Equipment Plan of Paddy Fields in Somesara Central district Villages in Guilan Province
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
V. adeli
N. molaei
A. nazari
1 - دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه پیام نور، گنبد کاووس، ایران
2 - Professor, Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
3 - استادیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه پیام نور، گنبدکاووس، ایران
Keywords: Mechanization, Drainage, Equipping and Renovating the Land, Plots, Inter Farms', Roads,
Abstract :
In spite of the desire to being commercialized and increasing mechanization and also, compared to the other parts of the economy (industry, services), Iranian agriculture part suffers from the traditional production method. Being small and dispersion of the parts, the plurality of plots, lack of inter farms' roads, the absence of appropriate irrigation and drainage channels, etc., has led to increasing in production costs and, consequently, turning away the youth sector for activity and investment in agriculture part. The work hardness of manpower and the misuse of resources are of the characteristics of traditional paddy fields, and the transformation and fundamental change of this arena depends on the implementation of a plan called "Equipping and Renovating the Paddy Fields". The methodology of this study was descriptive-analytical method and the field study was used as observation, interview and questionnaire completion for analysis of the physical effects, the mechanization effects and the release of manpower and giving diversity to activities were used in equipping and renovating the paddy fields in the central part villages of Some-eh Sara. Using Morgan's Table, 376 questionnaires were completed and gathered among farmers. The questionnaires were analyzed after encoding and entering into the SPSS Software in which, the most important results are as followed: The implementation of equipping and renovating plan of the paddy fields in planted lands villages causes physical changes in the number of land parts, the number of plots, reducing levels of irrigation and drainage channels and the reduction of the boundaries per hectare and increasing farmers' access to inter farms' roads. As a result of physical changes in planted lands, an appropriate setting for mechanization of cultivation has been provided. So far, farmers use more agricultural machinery in planted lands rather than the ones in non-planted lands.
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_||_Adeli, Sh. (2004). Planning Fundamental Issues of Paddy Fields, Renovation and Equipment of Fields (Gathering and Unification, Fundamental Operation). First Educational Workshop of Renovation and Equipment of Fields, Guilan, University of Guilan. (In Persian)
Asefi, A. (2000). Planning the Unification of Agriculture Lands Using Geographical information System (GIS). Case Study: Roshtbozorg Village of Bonab City. Tehran, Teacher Training University, MA Thesis on geography and Rural Planning. (In Persian)
Azkia, M. (2002). Development Sociology. Tehran, Kalameh Publications. (In Persian)
Azkia, M., & Ghaffari, Gh. (2007). Rural Development Emphasizing rural Villages of Iran. Tehran, Ney Publications. (In Persian)
Firouznia, G., Eftekhari, R. (2003). The Place of Village in the Process of National Development. Tehran, Institute of Iran's Rural Development. (In Persian)
Friedman, J. (1975). Regional Planning, a Field of Study, in J. Friedman and W. Alonso (Eds.),Regional Development and Planning. Cambridge, MASS.: MIT Press.
Jomehpour, M. (2005). An Introduction to Planning Rural Development; Views and Methods. Tehran, Samt Publications. (In Persian)
Kamran, F. (1995). Development and Rural Planning. Tehran, Avaye Nour Publications. (In Persian)
Mahbobul Haq. (1995). Reflections on Human Development. Oxford University Press.
Malekoti, M. (2002). Agriculture is in deep need. No. 2961, Tehran, Hamshahri Daily. (In Persian)
Management of Agriculture Jihad of Somesara Town ship and the Center of Agriculture Jihad Services in Ziabar and Tahergorab villages, 2008. (In Persian)
Meier, Gerald, M. ( 2001). The Old Generation of Development. Economists and the New in Gerald M. Meier & Joseph E. Stieglitz, Frontier of Development Economics; the Future in Perspective. Oxford University Press.
Molaie Hashjin, N. (2000). Concept, definition, and the Necessity of Planning Rural Development. Sepehr Quarterly, 9 (33), 43-46. (In Persian)
Motavaseli, M., Nikonasabi A., & Bayat, M. (2010).Human Development as interchangeable trend. Rural Development Quarterly, 1 (2), Spring & Summer. (In Persian)
Papeli Yazdi, M, & Ebrahimi, M. (2006). Theories of Rural Development. Tehran, Samt Publications. (In Persian)
Rezvani, M. (2004). An Introduction to Planning Rural Development in Iran. Tehran, Ghomes Publications. (In Persian)
Rosset, et al. (2000). Lessons from the Green Revolution. Tikkum Magazine, Institute for Food and Development Policy.
Schumacher, E. F., (1987). Small is Beautiful (Economy with Human Dimensions). Translation by Ramin, A. Second Edition. Tehran, Soroush Publications.
Soy, A. (2001). Social Change and Development. Translation by Mazaheri, M., H. Tehran, Research Center of Strategic Studies.
Streeten, P. (1995). Foreword, in Mahbobul Haq. Reflections on Human Development. Oxford University Press.
Taleb, M. (1994). Rural Development. Fourth Year,No. 877, Salam Daily.
Wrigley, E.A. (1998). Continuity, Chance and Change: the Character of industrial Revolution in England.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.