Designing a participation model based on its effective and influential components in the field of environment
Subject Areas :
Environmental managment
zahra Tehraei Nasrabadi
Saeed Motahari
maryam farahani
bita azadbakht
1 - ph.D Student,Department of Environment ,Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor,Department of Environment, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran. *(Correspondence Author)
3 - Assistant Professor,Department of Environment, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor,Department of Environment, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.
Received: 2022-12-09
Accepted : 2023-04-09
Published : 2023-06-22
social participation,
Effective Factors,
Environmental field,
Interpretive Structural Modeling,
Participation limits,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: social participation is one of the basic elements in the evolution towards adaptive forms of good governance and achieving effective and conscious participation in the field of environment is not an easy task, one of the main reasons of which may be the fact that its components in policies and the plans are not properly understood. The current research was done with the aim of presenting an interactive and process model and drawing the structural connections of attracting participation in the field of environment with an emphasis on the effective factors and its limitations.
Material and Methodology: The current research is of an applied type, which was conducted with a mixed method, and the data collection tool is an interview and a questionnaire of experts. In this study, the structural-interpretive modeling method was used to structure and draw interactive relationships. Finally, by using MICMAC analysis, the indicators were analyzed according to effectiveness.
Findings: According to the findings, there are 13 components of the conditions governing the society, social trust, sense of social belonging, social responsibility, individual personality factors, context and possibility of participation, motivation for participation, knowledge and awareness, social-cultural limitation, structural-legal limitation, economic limitation, executive limitation, social participation in environmental protection were identified and classified in six levels, in such a way that the conditions governing the society were placed in the sixth level and social participation in environmental protection was placed in the first level.
Discussion and conclusion: Knowing the factors affecting participation and the causal relationships between them will help managers and decision makers to reduce environmental problems and challenges, create integrated policies, make strategic decisions, etc. with lower costs and more effectiveness.
Haj Hoseini, P. (2021). Examining the place of social participation of citizens in the structure of urban management. Journal of Architecture, 3(15), 1-7. (In Persian)
Chen, S., & Liu, N. (2022). Research on citizen participation in government ecological environment governance based on the research perspective of “dual carbon target”. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2022.
Feridonzadeh, H., & Yari, F. (2018). Analyzing the sustainable designing to reduce the negative human impact on rural environment, Case study: Oramanat of Iran. Anthropogenic Pollution, 2(1), 1-11. (In Persian)
Kharrat Sadeghi, M. (2021). A presentation of SWOT strategies for the sustainable tourism development on the Caspian Sea coast of Gilan province, Iran. Anthropogenic Pollution, 5(2), 47-56). In Persian)
Zhang, Y., Xiao, X., Cao, R., Zheng, C., Guo, Y., Gong, W., & Wei, Z. (2020). How important is community participation to eco-environmental conservation in protected areas? From the perspective of predicting locals' pro-environmental behaviours. Science of the Total Environment, 739, 139889
Bagheri, P., Fataei, E., & Karbassi, A.R. (2016). Reduction of greenhouse gas in National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company by Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, 7, 260-270. (In Persian)
Hemmersam, P., Martin, N., Westvang, E., Aspen, J., & Morrison, A. (2015). Exploring urban data visualization and public participation in planning. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(4), 45-64.
Fataei, E., Mohammadpour, A., Aalipour Erdi, Me. (2014). Analysis of Various Scenarios of Water Resources Management and Development in Zaraj Abad Basin. International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development, 2(1), 119-130. (In Persian)
Reed, M. S., & Stringer, L. C. (2016). Land degradation, desertification and climate change: Anticipating, assessing and adapting to future change. Routledge.
Gholizadeh, S. F., Nouroozi, F., & Dehqan, H. (2018). Willingness to participate in environmental protection and the factors affecting it (Case of study: Tehran citizens born in the decades 2001 and 1970). Journal of Urban sociological studies, (11)40, 176- 206. (In Persian)
Rezaeean, S., Jozi, A., Malmasi, S. (2019). The Role of Citizen Participation in Urban Environmental Protection (Case Study: District 9 of Tehran). Journal of Environment and interdisciplinanary development, 66, 59-70. (In Persian)
Chu, Z., Bian, C., & Yang, J. (2022). How can public participation improve environmental governance in China? A policy simulation approach with multi-player evolutionary game. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 95, 106782.
Bouregh, A. S. (2022). A Conceptual Framework of Public Participation Utilization for Sustainable Urban Planning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Sustainability, 14(18), 11470.
Leng, X., Zhong, S., & Kang, Y. (2022). Citizen participation and urban air pollution abatement: Evidence from environmental whistle-blowing platform policy in Sichuan China. Science of the Total Environment, 816, 151521.
Li, W., Feng, T., Timmermans, H. J., Li, Z., Zhang, M., & Li, B. (2020). Analysis of citizens' motivation and participation intention in urban planning. Cities, 106, 102921.
Wang, Y., Cao, H., Yuan, Y., & Zhang, R. (2020). Empowerment through emotional connection and capacity building: Public participation through environmental non-governmental organizations. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 80, 106319.
Nouri, H., Khoshnia, A., & Omrani, A. a. (2022). The role of social and cultural indicators affecting the level of citizen participation in preserving the urban environment. 13th International Conference on Research in Management, Economics and Development. (In Persian)
Elmi, M. (2021). Social factors related to the participation of Tabriz citizens in the process of sustainable development of the city. Journal of Quarterly of New Attitudes in Human Geography, 13(51), 86-68. (In Persian)
Zaranji, Z.F. (2021). Investigating citizens' participation in protecting the urban environment. Second International Conference and Fifth National Conference on Natural Resources and Environment. (In Persian)
Salehpour Jam, A., Rasooli, F., Sarreshtehdari, A., Mosaffaie, J., & Kianian, M. K. (2020). Prioritization of preventing social indices affecting on peoples' participation in natural resources plans using AHP method and nonparametric tests. Watershed Engineering and Management, 12(1), 330-339. (In Persian)
Bashiri, M.J. (2020). Studying and investigating the level of promotion and increase of efficiency and effectiveness components in organizations with the influential role of participation in the urban context. the 5th International Conference on New Horizons in Humanities and Management. (In Persian)
Mohammadi Dah Cheshmeh, M., & Azadbakht, M. (2018). Deliberating the components of citizen participation for the environment a Sustainabi lity (case study: Region number 2, Ahvaz city). Human & Environment, 16(3), 37-52. (In Persian)
Dastras, F., & Khajenoori, B. (2019). Investigating the relationship between sociological factors and environmental behavior of citizens of Shiraz. Journal of Applied Sociology, 30(4), 35-58. (In Persian)
Yahyaei, M., Mofidi Shemirani, S. M., & Ahmadi, V. (2021). Investigating the role and importance of sustainable architecture in optimal fuel consumption and pollution reduction (Case study: Semnan wind-Catchers). Anthropogenic Pollution, 5(2), 104-112.
Matamanda, A. R., & Chinozvina, Q. L. (2020). Driving forces of citizen participation in urban development practice in Harare, Zimbabwe. Land Use Policy, 99, 105090.
Lihua, W. U., Tianshu, M. A., Yuanchao, B. I. A. N., Sijia, L. I., & Zhaoqiang, Y. I. (2020). Improvement of regional environmental quality: Government environmental governance and public participation. Science of the Total Environment, 717, 137265.
Armeni, C. (2016). Participation in environmental decision-making: Reflecting on planning and community benefits for major wind farms. Journal of Environmental Law, 28(3), 415-441.
Zhang, G., Deng, N., Mou, H., Zhang, Z. G., & Chen, X. (2019). The impact of the policy and behavior of public participation on environmental governance performance: Empirical analysis based on provincial panel data in China. Energy policy, 129, 1347-1354.
Jangjoo, M. R. (2021). Developing a method based on matrixes and multi-criteria decision making approaches for environmental assessment of dams (A Case study). Anthropogenic Pollution, 5(1), 150-159.
Fataei, E., Oroji, H., Aalizadeh, M., Azhari, S. (2018). Explaining the social capacity of accepting tourism in rural areas, case: Masr village in Khor and Biyabank. Journal of Space Economy & Rural Development, 6(S1), 173-196.
Tschentscher, T. (2016). Promoting sustainable development through more effective civil society participation in environmental governance. New York: United Nations Development Programme.
Tang, J., & Li, S. (2022). Can public participation promote regional green innovation?——Threshold effect of environmental regulation analysis. Heliyon, 8(10).
Azar, A., Khosravani, F., Jalali, R. (2019). Soft operational research. Publications of Industrial Management Organization. (In Persian)
Ghanbari, V., & Safaí shakib, A. (2017). Structuring quality management issues with interpretive structural modeling approach. Journal of Standard and Quality Management, 7, 1-15. (In Persian)
Esmaelpour, R., Takhire, M., & Ojagzadeh, M. (2017). The Codification Strategy of productivity surveillance in small and medium industries with interpretive structural modelling. The Journal of Productivity Management, 10 (4 (39)), 7-40. (In Persian)
Kota, S., Mishra, R. P., Jasti, N. V. K., & Kale, S. (2021). Sustainable production system critical success factors: an interpretive structural modelling approach. Procedia CIRP, 98, 324-329.
Behl, A., & Pal, A. (2019). Sustainability of environmentally sound technologies using interpretive structural modelling. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 13(1), 1-19.
Solanki, R., Jha, P., Darbari, J., Agarwal, V. (2019). An Interpretive Structural Model for Analyzing the Impact of Sustainability Driven Supply Chain Strategies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7.
Sadeghi Ravesh, M. H. (2022). Application of Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) in Analyzing Obstacles to Combat Desertification with Pathological Approach in Yazd Province. Journal of Watershed Management Research, 13(25), 119-132. (In Persian)
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Kharrat Sadeghi, M. (2021). A presentation of SWOT strategies for the sustainable tourism development on the Caspian Sea coast of Gilan province, Iran. Anthropogenic Pollution, 5(2), 47-56). In Persian)
Zhang, Y., Xiao, X., Cao, R., Zheng, C., Guo, Y., Gong, W., & Wei, Z. (2020). How important is community participation to eco-environmental conservation in protected areas? From the perspective of predicting locals' pro-environmental behaviours. Science of the Total Environment, 739, 139889
Bagheri, P., Fataei, E., & Karbassi, A.R. (2016). Reduction of greenhouse gas in National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company by Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, 7, 260-270. (In Persian)
Hemmersam, P., Martin, N., Westvang, E., Aspen, J., & Morrison, A. (2015). Exploring urban data visualization and public participation in planning. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(4), 45-64.
Fataei, E., Mohammadpour, A., Aalipour Erdi, Me. (2014). Analysis of Various Scenarios of Water Resources Management and Development in Zaraj Abad Basin. International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development, 2(1), 119-130. (In Persian)
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Gholizadeh, S. F., Nouroozi, F., & Dehqan, H. (2018). Willingness to participate in environmental protection and the factors affecting it (Case of study: Tehran citizens born in the decades 2001 and 1970). Journal of Urban sociological studies, (11)40, 176- 206. (In Persian)
Rezaeean, S., Jozi, A., Malmasi, S. (2019). The Role of Citizen Participation in Urban Environmental Protection (Case Study: District 9 of Tehran). Journal of Environment and interdisciplinanary development, 66, 59-70. (In Persian)
Chu, Z., Bian, C., & Yang, J. (2022). How can public participation improve environmental governance in China? A policy simulation approach with multi-player evolutionary game. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 95, 106782.
Bouregh, A. S. (2022). A Conceptual Framework of Public Participation Utilization for Sustainable Urban Planning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Sustainability, 14(18), 11470.
Leng, X., Zhong, S., & Kang, Y. (2022). Citizen participation and urban air pollution abatement: Evidence from environmental whistle-blowing platform policy in Sichuan China. Science of the Total Environment, 816, 151521.
Li, W., Feng, T., Timmermans, H. J., Li, Z., Zhang, M., & Li, B. (2020). Analysis of citizens' motivation and participation intention in urban planning. Cities, 106, 102921.
Wang, Y., Cao, H., Yuan, Y., & Zhang, R. (2020). Empowerment through emotional connection and capacity building: Public participation through environmental non-governmental organizations. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 80, 106319.
Nouri, H., Khoshnia, A., & Omrani, A. a. (2022). The role of social and cultural indicators affecting the level of citizen participation in preserving the urban environment. 13th International Conference on Research in Management, Economics and Development. (In Persian)
Elmi, M. (2021). Social factors related to the participation of Tabriz citizens in the process of sustainable development of the city. Journal of Quarterly of New Attitudes in Human Geography, 13(51), 86-68. (In Persian)
Zaranji, Z.F. (2021). Investigating citizens' participation in protecting the urban environment. Second International Conference and Fifth National Conference on Natural Resources and Environment. (In Persian)
Salehpour Jam, A., Rasooli, F., Sarreshtehdari, A., Mosaffaie, J., & Kianian, M. K. (2020). Prioritization of preventing social indices affecting on peoples' participation in natural resources plans using AHP method and nonparametric tests. Watershed Engineering and Management, 12(1), 330-339. (In Persian)
Bashiri, M.J. (2020). Studying and investigating the level of promotion and increase of efficiency and effectiveness components in organizations with the influential role of participation in the urban context. the 5th International Conference on New Horizons in Humanities and Management. (In Persian)
Mohammadi Dah Cheshmeh, M., & Azadbakht, M. (2018). Deliberating the components of citizen participation for the environment a Sustainabi lity (case study: Region number 2, Ahvaz city). Human & Environment, 16(3), 37-52. (In Persian)
Dastras, F., & Khajenoori, B. (2019). Investigating the relationship between sociological factors and environmental behavior of citizens of Shiraz. Journal of Applied Sociology, 30(4), 35-58. (In Persian)
Yahyaei, M., Mofidi Shemirani, S. M., & Ahmadi, V. (2021). Investigating the role and importance of sustainable architecture in optimal fuel consumption and pollution reduction (Case study: Semnan wind-Catchers). Anthropogenic Pollution, 5(2), 104-112.
Matamanda, A. R., & Chinozvina, Q. L. (2020). Driving forces of citizen participation in urban development practice in Harare, Zimbabwe. Land Use Policy, 99, 105090.
Lihua, W. U., Tianshu, M. A., Yuanchao, B. I. A. N., Sijia, L. I., & Zhaoqiang, Y. I. (2020). Improvement of regional environmental quality: Government environmental governance and public participation. Science of the Total Environment, 717, 137265.
Armeni, C. (2016). Participation in environmental decision-making: Reflecting on planning and community benefits for major wind farms. Journal of Environmental Law, 28(3), 415-441.
Zhang, G., Deng, N., Mou, H., Zhang, Z. G., & Chen, X. (2019). The impact of the policy and behavior of public participation on environmental governance performance: Empirical analysis based on provincial panel data in China. Energy policy, 129, 1347-1354.
Jangjoo, M. R. (2021). Developing a method based on matrixes and multi-criteria decision making approaches for environmental assessment of dams (A Case study). Anthropogenic Pollution, 5(1), 150-159.
Fataei, E., Oroji, H., Aalizadeh, M., Azhari, S. (2018). Explaining the social capacity of accepting tourism in rural areas, case: Masr village in Khor and Biyabank. Journal of Space Economy & Rural Development, 6(S1), 173-196.
Tschentscher, T. (2016). Promoting sustainable development through more effective civil society participation in environmental governance. New York: United Nations Development Programme.
Tang, J., & Li, S. (2022). Can public participation promote regional green innovation?——Threshold effect of environmental regulation analysis. Heliyon, 8(10).
Azar, A., Khosravani, F., Jalali, R. (2019). Soft operational research. Publications of Industrial Management Organization. (In Persian)
Ghanbari, V., & Safaí shakib, A. (2017). Structuring quality management issues with interpretive structural modeling approach. Journal of Standard and Quality Management, 7, 1-15. (In Persian)
Esmaelpour, R., Takhire, M., & Ojagzadeh, M. (2017). The Codification Strategy of productivity surveillance in small and medium industries with interpretive structural modelling. The Journal of Productivity Management, 10 (4 (39)), 7-40. (In Persian)
Kota, S., Mishra, R. P., Jasti, N. V. K., & Kale, S. (2021). Sustainable production system critical success factors: an interpretive structural modelling approach. Procedia CIRP, 98, 324-329.
Behl, A., & Pal, A. (2019). Sustainability of environmentally sound technologies using interpretive structural modelling. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 13(1), 1-19.
Solanki, R., Jha, P., Darbari, J., Agarwal, V. (2019). An Interpretive Structural Model for Analyzing the Impact of Sustainability Driven Supply Chain Strategies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7.
Sadeghi Ravesh, M. H. (2022). Application of Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) in Analyzing Obstacles to Combat Desertification with Pathological Approach in Yazd Province. Journal of Watershed Management Research, 13(25), 119-132. (In Persian)
Boddy, C. R. (2016). Sample size for qualitative research. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 19(4), 426-432.
Danaeifard, H., Alvani, S. M., & Azar, A. (2019). Qualitative research methodology in management: a comprehensive approach. Tehran: Saffar Pub. (In Persian)
Attride-Stirling, J. (2001). Thematic networks: an analytic tool for qualitative research. Qualitative research, 1(3), 385-405.
Edrisi, A., & Shojaei, M. (2013). Examination of the factors affecting the Inhabitants social participation in urban development projects: A case study of building pedestrian ways in the historical texture of Tehran (Region 12). Journal of Social Development and Welfare Planning, 4(13), 115–158. (In Persian)
Sztompka, P. (1999). Trust: A Sociological Theory; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Bodor, Á., Varjú, V., & Grünhut, Z. (2020). The effect of trust on the various dimensions of climate change attitudes. Sustainability, 12(23), 10200.
Bagheri B. A., & Rahimi, M. (2013).The Relationship Between Citizens’ Sense Of Social Belonging And Their Social, Cultural, And Political Participation (Case Of Study: Districts 3 And 12 Of The City Of Tehran). Journal of Urban Studies, 2(5), 143-173. (In Persian)
Yazdanpanah, L., & Hekmat, F. (2014). Study of effective factors on social responsibility between students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Journal of Iranian Social Studies, 8(2), 128-152. (In Persian)
Maddahi, M., Besharat, M., & Tabataba’i Mir, F. (2021). The Role of Personality Traits and Ego Identification in the Political Participation of Basiji Students. Military Psychology, 12(46), 89-115. (In Persian)
Ahmadi, A., Tavakoli, M. (2009). Investigating the level of social participation of citizens in the optimal administration of urban affairs. Sociology of Social Problems of Iran, 2, 73-90. (In Persian)
Fung, C. Y., & Adams, E. A. (2017). What motivates student environmental activists on college campuses? An in-depth qualitative study. Social Sciences, 6(4), 134.
Shateri, P., Salehi, S., Sharifi, M., & Mohseni, R. A. (2021). A sociological study of the causes of participation in environmental nongovernmental organizations in Tehran: presentation grounded theories. Environmental Sciences, 19(1), 69-88. (In Persian)
Norouzi, A., & Yadollahi, F. (2022). Evaluating Environmental Awareness and Knowledge of Rural Communities (Case Study: Choghakhor Rural Area). Spatial Planning, 12(1), 33-50. (In Persian)
Lahijanian, A., Shiehbeiki, S. (2015). Barriers of Social Participation of Citizens in Urban Environment Using the SWOT Method and Approaches for Improving Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), 17(4), 145-164. (In Persian)
Hashemzehi, N. A., Miri, G., & Hafez Rezazadeh, M. (2022). Measuring effective indicators in improving neighborhood-based participation (Case study: Zahedan city). Geography (Regional Planning), 12(4), 1289-1306. (In Persian)
Khajeh Shahkuhi, A. R., Najafi Kani, A. A., & Babaeian, T. (2014). Evaluation the Rate of Citizens' Participation in the Outskirts of Central Cities of Urban Management. Case Study: City Babol. Geographical Planning of Space, 4(12), 1-19. (In Persian)
Gheisari, N. (2019). Social Participation: An Analysis of a Strategic Concept. Journal of NAJA Strategic Studies, 4(11), 31-59. (In Persian)
Feng, L., Wu, Q., Wu, W., & Liao, W. (2020). Decision-maker-oriented vs. collaboration: China’s public participation in environmental decision-making. Sustainability, 12(4), 1334.
Mosayebian rizi, M., Mosayebi, S. (2021). Analysis of the role of creative tourism development in increasing social participation, Journal of Tourism Management Studies, 16(55), pp. 319-355. (In Persian)
Saroukhani, B., & Doodman, L. (2010). The Structure of Power in Family and its Effect on Social Participation in Shiraz. Sociological Studies of Youth, 1(01), 105-130. (In Persian)
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Rainear, A. M., & Christensen, J. L. (2017). Protection motivation theory as an explanatory framework for proenvironmental behavioral intentions. Communication Research Reports, 34(3), 239-248.
Alavi.Tabar, A.L., Examining the pattern of citizens' participation in the administration of city affairs (international and Iranian experiences), Publications of the Organization of Municipalities of the country, First edition (volume 1). (In Persian)
Donnelley, R. R.. (2007). LEAP: A Manual for Learning Evaluation and Planning in Community Development.
Ghorashi, S.R. (2019). Designing a Model for Effective Factors on Improving Public Oversight in Tehran Municipality Using Structural-Interpretative Modeling. Journal of Iranian Public Administration Studies, 2(1), 25-52. (In Persian)
Hong, A., & Anderson, D. H. (2006). Barriers to participation for Latino people at Dodge Nature Center. The Journal of Environmental Education, 37(4), 33-44.
Veicy, H. (2007). Barriers to public participation in environmental protection .1st Conference on Environmental Systems Planning and Management Engineering (In Persian).
Ghorbanzadeh, S., Habib Zadeh, P. (2021). Barriers and limitations of citizens' participation in urban planning and management process. Fourth International Conference and Fifth National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design. (In Persian)