Monotheism from the Point of View of Khwajah Abd Allah al-Ansari in Manazel al-Saerin and Baḥya Ben Joseph ibn Paquda in Al-Hidayah ila Faraiḍ al-Qulub: A Comparative Study
Subject Areas :
Seyed Ali Mostajaboldavati
Majid Sadeghi Hasan abadi
1 - Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Received: 2022-04-11
Accepted : 2022-09-16
Published : 2023-02-20
Bahya ben Joseph ibn Paquda,
Manazel Al saerin,
Al Hidayah ila Faraid al-Qulub,
Khwaja Abd Allah al Ansari,
Abstract :
This study examines the position, description and division of monotheism in the works of two mystics: Khwajah Abd Allah al-Ansari and Baḥya Ben Joseph ibn Paquda, who are respected figures in Islamic and Jewish mystical traditions respectively. The study utilizes library research and a descriptive-analytical method to investigate their views. The article explains that monotheism, which is the basis of Judaism and Islam, is considered by Khwajah Abd Allah al-Ansari to be the final step of the mystical journey which he outlines in Manazel al-Saerin. Similarly, Ibn Paquda, in Al-Hidayah ila Faraiḍ al-Qulub, defines monotheism as one of the ten steps of the Spiritual Journey. Despite the similarity in their definition of monotheism, the two mystics differ in their understanding of its position and division. While Khwajah considers monotheism to be the ultimate goal of the Spiritual Journey, Ibn Paquda places it as the first gate to divine love. Furthermore, Khwajah divides monotheism into three grades based on the level of Allah seekers and considers the highest grade indescribable, whereas Ibn Paquda, under the influence of Islamic sources, emphasizes the use of three sources; reason, written texts, and Jewish traditions, and regards the highest rank of monotheism as only attainable by monotheists who combine their heart and language beliefs with reasoning. In conclusion, this study highlights the differing views of Khwajah Abd Allah al-Ansari and Baḥya Ben Joseph ibn Paquda on the position, description and division of monotheism. Both mystics provide valuable insights into the development of Islamic and Jewish mystical traditions.
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