construction and Standardization of Emotional Reflection Test among university students in the city of Qazvin
Subject Areas :
Davood Aflatooni
asghar Minaei
1 - Master of Psychometrics, faculty member of the Deputy of Training and Education of the Police Force
2 - Assistant Professor of Allameh Tabatabai University, Department of Psychometrics
Keywords: personality, Anagram, emotion reflex, excitedly intelligenc,
Abstract :
The aim of this study is construction and Standardization of Emotional Reflection Test among university students in the city of Qazvin. The subjects consisted of451male and female students in Qazvin University in the94/95academic year that were selected by Convenience sampling method.which Lawshe's Content Validity Ratio(CVR)was used to assessment of Simultaneous Content Validity in the last analysis. Cronbach's Alpha(α)in addition to Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and General linear model was used to final survey of questioner and Criterion-content-related validity respectively.To asses of construct Validity, Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)and Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used.In the first place,The91questions based on the characteristics of personality in Anagram theory –which presented by Gurdjieff (1954)-were prepared.After survey of the questions by 20 psychology professors at the Universities of Qazvin, 19 of them reduced; because according to Lawshe's CVR, they were lack of Content Validity. Also 8 of the questions eliminated due to unreliability of retest when they calculated by Cronbach's Alpha method and Reliability Test. Since Cronbach's Alpha for all of the factors, except perfectionism, was more than 0/7, the coefficients were acceptable for all of them, than that one. To get the Simultaneous Criterion validity, each one of the 9 factors of the test was surveyed by shortened version the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI) and according the results, there is positive correlation between 7 of factors the test and NEO-FFI. Therefore, it could be concluded that Emotional Reflection Test possesses simultaneous criterion validity converge with NEO Test.Then, relations of the 9 factors to emotional intelligence-test were surveyed. According the results, there is negative correlation between all of the factors and emotional intelligence, than Mehr talab and danesh talab. 3 questions reduced from the questioner after asses of construct Validity by Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method, due to invalidity of construction