Instrumentation for the Measurement of Factors Affecting Social Control of Cybercultural Transgressions among Social Media Users
Subject Areas :
Shalaleh Meraji Oskuie
Kamran Mohamadkhani
Ali Delavar
Ali Akbar Farhangi
1 - Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Higher Education Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Psychometrics, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Reliability, Validity, Instrumentation, Social Control, Cybercultural Transgressions,
Abstract :
AbstractDespite all the advantages to human life, computer-mediated communication has provided a fertile ground for transgressive behaviors. Transgression is a behavior that goes beyond boundaries, conventions, laws, and accepted practices. The way societies confront transgressive behaviors, and the social control methods they employ to decrease these behaviors and reduce their mal-effects are of a high significance. Hence, the current research aimed at instrumentation for the measurement of the factors affecting social control of cybercultural transgressions. In the current research, six steps of instrumentation are presented as follows: 1) Identification and extraction of constructs from literature; 2) Validation of constructs and variables; 3) Validity assessment of item pool; 4) A priori reliability and 5) Post hoc reliability assessment; 6) Construct validity assessment; and also, the results of the instrument implementation including final model’s goodness-of-fit, and power analysis are presented. The results of instrumentation process showed an acceptable validity and reliability for the instrument. The steps outlined in the current research can lead to development of better instruments by researchers.