Evaluation of Yield, Some Physiological Properties and Drought Tolerance Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Cultivars in Khuzestan Province
Subject Areas : agronomyMohammad Motamadi 1 * , Abdolkarim Banisaidi 2
1 - Department of Plant production and genetics, Shoushtar branch, Islamic Azad University, shoushtar, Iran
2 - Department of Plant production and genetics, Shoushtar branch, Islamic Azad University, shoushtar, Iran
Keywords: harvest index, 1000 grain weight, Chlorophyll index, Relative water,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate the effect of late season drought stress on grain yield and yield components, some physiological characteristics and evaluation of stress tolerance index of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), a split plot experiment was conducted in a randomized completely block design with three replications. Irrigation treatments in main plot included normal field irrigation and irrigation cut at pollination time and Nosrat, valfajr, Turkmen, Jonob, Yousef and Karon varieties were included in sub plot. The results showed that under drought stress the highest grain yield was observed in Nosrat and Yousef varieties (513.1 and 513.8 g / m2) and the lowest grain yield was observed in Karon (201.5 g / m2) vareity. The 1000grain weight loss rate of Nosrat, Yousef, Turkmen, Jonob, Valfajer and Karon varieties were 12.8%, 11.3%, 13.6%, 17.2%, 16.5% and 29.6%, respectively. Drought stress reduced grain filling duration in all varieties compared to normal condition, with the lowest grain filling duration belonged to Karon with 22.2 days but Nosrat and Yousef cultivars had the highest grain filling period. In drought stress conditions, Nosrat and Yousef varieties had the highest leaf relative water content, chlorophyll index, water soluble carbohydrates and water soluble proteins. Overall, according to the results of tolerance and stress sensitivity indices, Nosrat and Yousef cultivars were the most tolerant and Valfajr, Karon and Jonob varities were the most sensetive to late season drought stress.