Study of salinity effect on grain yield, sodium and potassium accumulation on Eighteen wheat (Triticum aestium L.) genotypes in grain-filling stages
Subject Areas : agronomyshabnam Kamiab 1 , Khalil Alami-Saeid 2 * , Mohammadreza Eslahi 3 , Mohammad Moradi 4
1 - Department of Plant Breeding, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Khuzestan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Molasani, Iran
3 - Plant protection Department. Khuzestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and education Center, Areeo, Ahvaz, Iran
4 - Department of Plant Production and Genetic Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.
Keywords: salinity stress, Wheat, Potassium, Key words: Sodium,
Abstract :
Salinity stress is a major problem of limiting agricultural productivity and plant growth in many regions of the word including south-west Iran. There are various practices that can apply including Improvement of saline soils and irrigation management and introduction of toleratedcultivars. The aim of experiment is introducing tolerant and semi tolerant cultivars in many regions for acceptable crop yields. Breeding for salinity tolerance, pot experiment under natural conditions in a completely randomized design and enforced in three replications in three states in a stress, fourteen ds/m and twenty-one ds/m. Genotypes were evaluated for salinity tolerance by using dry matter of grain, seed number, grain yield, 1000-grain weight, and relative water content, leaf Na+, leaf K+, leaf K+/Na+. Sirvan cultivar at both salinity levels 14 (17.30 mg/g) and 21 (28.43 mg/g) ds/m, had the highest amount of leaf sodium and aflak cultivar (8.70 mg / g dry weight), had the lowest sodium concentration under 21 ds/m salinity stress. According to the results, among the genotypes studied, aflak as resistant cultivar, Sirvan as susceptible and Arg cultivar as a medium were selected from varieties adapted to Khouzestan conditions.
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