Which "Āzād" Wrote Delgoshānāmeh? (Analysis and Proof of Writing Delgoshānāmeh by Āzād Kashmiri by the Only Official Supplementary Version of Bāzel Mashhadi’s Hamle-ye Heidari)
Subject Areas : epicmarziyeh jafari 1 , Farzad Ghaemi 2 *
1 - Ph.D. Student, Epic Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
2 - (Corresponding author) Faculty member, Persian Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Delgoshānāmeh, Mukhtārnāmeh, Mirzā Arjmand Āzād Kashmiri, supplementary version of Hamle-ye Heidari, Indian style.,
Abstract :
Delgoshānāmeh is the name of an epic poem related to the Gourkāni period with the theme of Mukhtār's vengeance after Imam Hussain’s martyrdom. As mentioned in the verses, this work is a poem composed by a person named Āzād, but the lack of sources specifying the composer’s identity and some ambiguities have caused this poem to be attributed to Mohammad Ali Āzād Kashmiri, Mirzā Arjmand Āzād Kashmiri, Āzād Belgrāmi, and Mohammad Sādiq Āzād Kashmiri. In this essay, unlike other sources, we used the text of the poem and especially compared its verses with Āzād Kashmiri’s other religious epic verses, Hamle-ie-Heidari, which was the only official supplementary version of Bāzel Mashhadi’s Hamle-ie written at the request of Bāzel’s family, to prove the composer’s identity. The poet's confession of writing “Delgoshānāmeh” in this poem and the stylistic proportions of the two poems were the reasons to prove the poet’s identity. Also, concerning the poet’s attributing himself to being originally from Tehran in one of the verses of his poem, this article, by citing documentation, proposed the hypothesis that this poet as a representative of the Indian style epic has not attributed his origin to Tehran in the area of Shahr-e Ray, but to Tehran in the area of Isfahan (Tiran), his lineage has been from Isfahan, or he has made this claim because of his desire to return to the capital of Iran, the center of literary developments of the era.
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