The Study of Marriage ritual in two world epics Shahnameh and Ramayana
Subject Areas : epicNeda Rajabi Mansour 1 , حمیدرضا شایگان فر 2 * , Mehrangiz Owhadi 3
1 - PhD Student, Persian Literature, Azad University, Tehran North Branch
2 - Associate Professor and Faculty member, Azad University, Tehran North Branch
3 - Assistant Professor and Member of the Board of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Keywords: Marriage, marriage test, culture, Shahnameh, Ramayana.,
Abstract :
Marriage is a controversial subject in epic works of the world. It has happy and often sad endings which causes rebellion, war, bloodshed and destruction of kings. It is the corner stone of every society which provides psychological, emotional, social and moral needs of man and at the same time it is a cultural phenomenon that every nation gives it its own special colour. Employing descriptive analytic approach and also applying comparative reading the American style, the purpose of the present research is to study themes regarding marriage rituals in Shahnameh and Ramayana. In view of the importance of the outcome of the myths and epics in today’s world and the transmission of customs and culture of every society, the need for this research was felt. The result of the research is finding themes such as marriage test, marriage rites, freedom of women in marriage and the fact that they take the first step in marriage, and wedding outside borders. The latter is more evident in Shahnameh than in Ramayana and this issue was the cause for hero’s journeys and quests. Marriage rituals in Iran whether temporary or permanent include different customs and in Indian culture it is more accompanied with religious rites. In general themes and the basic foundation of marriage in both works have common and different aspects among which wedding foreigners and marriage test have the most similarities in these two cultures. On one hand they both attempt to justify the hero’s journeys and on the other hand they insist on the women’s prime choice of spouse.
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