On Arabic translation of Divan Hafez
Subject Areas : epic
1 - استاد دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی.
Keywords: Shiraz, Poetry, translation, AlJahez, Diwan Hafez, Taha Hossein, Ashavarbi, Aghani, Yazid son of Moavieh,
Abstract :
Since antiquity an old question has preoccupied the mind of many researches, literates, and curious individuals, that is whether it is possible to translate a poem into another language. It seems obvious that until the second half of the second century A.H, the scientists have not uttered a wise word in this regard. One of the outstanding scientists, Amroben Bahrol Jahez, in the second and third century A.H. for the first time spoke thoroughly of translation and its problems. What escapes Jahez and other researchers is the fact that in translation of poetry, the meter of the Arabic poetry is lost. After Jahez, this problem has diverted from the outer into the inner structure of the poem, and translation became a new challenge for the scientists. Despite the fact that through translation aesthetic qualities and eloquence of the poem is lost, this should not prevent one from appreciating the art, knowledge, talents, and findings of other nationalities. For this reason the interest of the scientists towards the art of translation has augmented day by day. A good example in this regard is the translation of Hafez's lyrical poetry into Arabic by Ebrahim Amin Ashavarbi. Though not immaculate, altogether it is regarded as a prominent work, and he has well proved his competency in literary art.
مشخصات مراجع
أغانی شیراز، أو غزلیات حافظ الشّیرازیّ، ترجمة اِبراهیم أمین الشواربّی، محسن رمضانی، تهران: پدیده 1362.
تلخیص کتاب أرسطوطالیس فی الشعر، أبوالولیدبن رشد، تحقیق محمد سلیم سالم، القاهرة 1391 ق – 1971 م.
حافظ الشیرازیّ، شاعر الغناء و الغَزَل فی إیران، إبراهیم أمین الشوارییّ، مطبعة المعارف، القاهرة 1323 ق – 1944 م.
الحیوان، عمروبن الجاحظ، تحقیق عبدالسلام محمد هارون، مطبعة مصطفی بابی الحلبی، مصر، 1384 ق ـ 1965 م.