Allegory, Symbol and Metaphor, Forough Farrokhzad’s Romantic Poetry
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
R. Masoomi
Sh. Ojagh Ali Zade
1 - PHD student of Persian language and literature Islamic Azad University Rudehen Branch
2 - 2. Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University Rudehen Branch
Abstract :
Forough Farrokhzad has been a poet whose life has been the focus of attention. Her works are seldom analyzed. The author of the article has made an attempt to analyze most of her poems from this perspective, with reference to their use of reputable sources to investigate the use of the allegory (external and abstract), symbols (ideogram) and metaphors (personification and animism) in the works of the poet. It is concluded that Forough is a very special person who has used symbols. After the birthday song is written by the poet and intellectual perfection. Her analogy is quite prosperous in terms of form and content that is very interesting and noteworthy. She seems to have made a very extensive use of diagnostic and significant and noticeable personifications.