The allegorical approach of " Nightingale", "the eastern wind", and "rose" in the poems of Khaghani, Hafez and Bidel Dehlavi
Subject Areas :
Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
Hasan Nagafi Lisehrodi
Mohammad Reza Shad Manamen
Alimohammad Moazeni
Sourallah Nouruzi
1 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal Branch
2 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Payame Noor University, Khalkhal Branch,
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2022-02-06
Accepted : 2022-06-07
Published : 2022-07-26
Abstract :
The terms "nightingale", "the eastern wind", and "rose" are three gones of an emotional,romantic relationship that has been used by poets through different eras. The common elements of the three is the fact that they exist in the nature. These three term used in the poems of poets have symbolic significance and metaphorical approach. The nightingale as the symbole of lover or poaetic "I" , wind, breathe, Saba or eastern wind as the mesenger in commute between lover ( the nightingale) and beloved (rose) as the symbol of beauty or projection of beloved. In Persian literature ,specially in versed works, and in the works of three mentioned poet in present study( Khaghani, Hafiz, Bidel Dehlavi) there are plenty of natural elements such as wind, funa, and flora which are accompanied by beautiful ironies, metaphors, similies, and combinations. Allegorical approach of these elements is more prominent in hafiz poems in comparison with the two other Aforementioned sonneteers. Considering the various functions, this study aimed to investigate the allegorical approach of these symbols and compare their functions in the poems of the three poets.
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