Narrative from the view point of fables in Parvin Etesami and Ilia Abo Mazi’s poetry.
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literaturenafice Hajirajabi 1 * , Abbas Arab 2
1 - PhD of Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
2 - Assistant Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abstract :
Narrative includes wise awareness and rational experiences which are used by writers and poets to express their thoughts in the frame of narratives. The narrative era in the literature of Iran is the time of overcoming of rationality and rational awareness. Writers and poets found narratives the best way to express their ideas, philosophical, ethical, mystic and moral thoughts Because in many categories expres of subject don,t possible through examples and Narrative. This paper aims to investigate the correspondence between the poems of two Persian and Arabic poets in terms of one forms of narratives called “Fable” and the common concepts discussed by these two poets.