The Influence of Hafez on European and American Literature
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and LiteratureEsmaeil Azar 1 , Maryam Barzegar 2
1 - Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature at Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Research Branch
2 - M.A. in Persian Language and Literature
Abstract :
Germans got familiar with Hafez, before the other European nations. A Political conceal for the first time was sent to Iran. Adam Olearius, the interpreter of the mentioned conceal left an Itinerary in concern with Iran.The odes of Hafez were translated, for the first time, by Germans such as Reviczki and Hammer. Goethe was inspired by the named translation and compiled a book about Hafez and his odes, which was called Wesernt- Eastern Diwan. After Goethe, there were many other orientalists, including Ruckert, Platen, Daumer, etc., who translated Hafez’s odes. The English also got familiar with Hafez in the 18th century. Thomas Hyde was the first one who translated Hafez’s first sonnet into Latin. William Jones was the first European to translate Hafez into French and English. After him, there were many others who translated Hafez into English, including Richardson, Gertrude Bell, and Nicholson, to name some. The French were the last nation to get familiar with Hafez. Tavernier was the first French tourist who spoke of Hafez’s reputation among Iranians. Although some French translators, including Defremery, Nicolas, Devillers, Arthur Guy, and others, were influenced by Hafez’s poetry, none of them could translate Hafez’s Divan completely. In America, too, the formation of Transcendentalism inspired Orientalism. Emerson, one of the founders of Transcendentalism, was the first one who translated Hafez in America.
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