Meaning of the trem “Adab”
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and LiteratureFarzaneh Mozaffarian 1 , Esmaeel Azar 2
1 - Assistance Professor of Persian Language and Literature
Islamic Azad University, Firooz Abad Branch
2 - Associate Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature
Abstract :
The research Tries to find out the Transformation in meaning of the trem “Adab” which in Persian language, has become the base of the word Literature. During the Primary Centuries. There have been many changes on this word. Dictionaries couldn’t be useful and didn’t offer any information. because they had written a few in this concern. Refering to the old texts has made the concept clearer. The inquiry Pertaining to the term “Adab” Shows that the meaning which were common during the primary three Centuries are different to what is understood today. In the first Centuries “Adab” meant customs and necessary information but in course of the time it applied for all humanism exept divinities. In the third Century “Adab” refered to all Sciences arts, and the Arabic grammare as well. Later on it was used for calture and the way to treat others in the Society
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