Educational - moral elements basic essence of poetry
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
Sayyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerouni
Mohammad Reza Kamali Baniani
1 - full Professor of islamic Azad University , Branch bushehr
2 - PhD student of Shahid Chamran University , Ahvaz, Iran
Scientific Board member of islamic Azad University , Branch of Izeh
Abstract :
Since the Islamic Revolution transformed society in the form of government And its selection is Beliefs, around the polar axis of the new thinking of moral values - educational, spiritual and material has been around. The culture and rituals arising from this request, the various forms of poetry can be crystallized. Poetry Today, the most telling in our modern existence, and yet the mental strength and competence in the field of literature is. Diversity in form and content of each historical period, ie, time Nzbj Revolution, after the war and postwar poetry, thoughts echo Mellon this dynamic generation. I look forward to the process, the values of contemporary poetry eventually reached that is capable of existing space And the last piece, the sublime atmosphere of education - Moral and much broader and more unique is that it deserved a draw. So that our whole culture is dominant and a song with the preservation of human civilization and to promote their follow man. I thought Ben's review even after the Islamic Revolution that the source of all morality - and religious education are considered in this study.
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