The Place of Allegory Sultan Valad’s Rebabnameh
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
Alimohammad Moazeni
Gholamreza Tamimitavandashti Gholamreza Tamimitavandashti
Shiva Birjandi
1 - Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty Member, University of Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch
3 - PhD student, majoring in Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal Branch
Abstract :
Rebabnameh in the sky of Islamic literature and mysticism is like the shining moon that receives its light and emanation from Rumi's Masnavi sun and illuminates the dark nights of the new travelers. Like the father, Sultan Valad sees love beyond all phenomena of existence and introduces it as a leadership that governs all elements of existence, from the physical world to the spiritual world. Sultan Valad, the son of Maulana Jalaluddin, was one of the figures who wished to preserve Sufi poetry in a lively and dynamic way after Maulana. While enjoying his father's teachings, he benefited from the knowledge of the time and, following that, the esteemed mystic of the Divan sang along with the generalities of Shams Tabrizi. At the same time, imitating the spiritual Masnavi, he arranged the Rebabnameh with the help of God, for the followers of his father and his companions. Rebabnameh is an educational Masnavi that has solved the contradictions and dilemmas between Rumi and some of his disciples in simple language during Rumi's time. Sultan Valad has always used allegory in conveying mystical and philosophical concepts. The allegory is the result of a dual connection between the simile and the simile, which, because the allegory is the inner meaning of the story, is narrated by Sultan Valad, referring to the appearance of the anecdote. This research has dealt with the method of (descriptive-analytical) method and referring to valid library documents and sources in the category of allegory in Rababnameh. As Rumi interprets the symbolic reed as a lover away from the beloved. Sultan Valad explains that he is Rumi's beloved Rebab maker, and of course his heart's melody is more burnt and life-giving than Ney's lament. There is only one moan in the reed, but in Rebab, there are many moans of helpers who have been separated from their homeland and sex. The result of this research is that: Allegory has a high position in the genealogy of Sultan Valad.
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