Possible Future Scenarios of Diplomatic Relations with Neighboring Countries in the Field of Water
Subject Areas : Political and International Researches QuarterlyMehdi shafaghati 1 * , Amir houshang Mirkooshesh 2 , saeid kamyabi 3 , masoumeh zahiri 4
1 - frw.ir
2 - Assistant prof of islamic azad university , shahrood branch
3 - associated prof , Islamic azad universty , semnan branch
4 - PH.D student od politic science , Islamic azad university , semnan branch
Keywords: Diplomacy, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Scenarios, Iran and Water,
Abstract :
Water is the most valuable factor of life, therefore, the lack of water resources plays an important role challenges between nations and governments. Competition for water resources will cause problems. Today, many countries are facing the problem of water shortage and are on the verge of water stress. in addition to an interdisciplinary research, the connection of political science and hydro politic science in the issue of the disputes governing the border rivers of Iran should be addressed to the solutions of the disputes related to the northeast neighbors. In the intended research with the research method and the current research according to its purpose, it is developmental-duplicative. In this research, in line with the inductive-comparative strategy, two qualitative and quantitative methods have been used, and based on the determination of possible scenarios, the importance of diplomacy in the field of water, with two neighboring countries, will be explained.