The Reaction of Major International Relations Theories to the Actions and Reactions of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Subject Areas : Political and International Researches QuarterlyFazel Feizi 1 * , farshid fayyaz sanavy 2
1 - هیئت علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی تاکستان
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Keywords: : Islamic Revolution of Iran, International Relations Theories, Reaction, Action, Ideology, Secularism, Complementary Theories,
Abstract :
The Islamic Revolution of Iran in February 1979, as a major phenomenon like other great revolutions, has had wide-ranging global implications. Its Islamic nature, along with Iran's geopolitical and strategic position in the Middle East and the existence of corridors connecting Asia, Europe, and Africa, compelled the international relations scene to pay attention to this important development and its impact on the international arena. The purpose of this article is to answer the question of how the important theories of international relations have reacted to the actions and reactions of the Islamic Revolution in Iran? The emergence and spread of revolutionary theories and the creation of an ideology independent of dominant ideologies such as liberalism, communism, Arab nationalism, and Zionism led to a change in global beliefs and perspectives on new issues such as equality, human value in society, and divine nature. Therefore, if we consider the theories of international relations, which are mainly based on secularism, as machines with inputs and outputs, these machines were faced with a new undefined input that now needed to either change their definitions or ignore this input. This analogy shows that revolutionary theories have led to the emergence of a new perspective for the creation of complementary theories in order to be able to cover the shortcomings of these theories in combining religion and politics, just as the theory of balance of power covered the weaknesses of realism.
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