Comparison of energy indices and CO2 greenhouse gas emission in irrigated and rainfed canola in northern region of Iran
Subject Areas : Journal of Plant EcophysiologyAli Motavali 1 * , Saleh Yasor 2
1 - گروه مهندسی مکانیک بیوسیستم، دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی ساری، ساری، ایران
2 - گروه مهندسی مکانیک بیوسیستم، دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی ساری، ساری، ایران
Keywords: Greenhouse gas, North of Iran, Global Warming, Energy Analyses,
Abstract :
Energy consumption and global warming and followed by climate change from by human activity that has been noticed a lot of research. This study investigates the energy consumption and CO2 greenhouse gas emissions in production of irrigated and rainfed canola (Brassica napus) in northern region of Iran and output energy indices were estimated. Data were collected from farmers in Mazandaran and Golestan provinces by random sampling method in years 2016. The results of the study showed that input energy in rainfed farming in Mazandaran and Golestan were 29.49 and 28.77 GJ/h and input energy in irrigated farming in Mazandaran and Golestan was 33.52 and 34.10 GJ/ha was calculated. The energy output was calculated in raidfed farming in Mazandaran and Golestan were 88.4 and 90.3 GJ/h and output energy in irrigated Farming in Mazandaran and Golestan were 82.27 and 82.25 GJ/ha. The highest and lowest value of energy ratio was obtained in production of canola 3.07 and 2.41 in rainfed and irrigated in Golestan province, respectively. Also the rate of production Co2 greenhouse gas was calculated in rainfed farming in Mazandaran and Golestan were 41715.04 kg/ha and 39968.60 kg/ha and reat of production CO2 greenhouse gas in irrigated farming in Mazandaran and Golestan were 46180.11 and 45011.62 kg/ha.
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