Comparison of some spermatological parameters between wild and cultured beluga sturgeon (Huso huso Linnaeus, 1768)
Subject Areas : New Technologies in Aquaculture Development
Keywords: Keywords: Spermatocrit, Sperm concentration, Sperm motility percentage, Sperm motility duration, Wild and cultured Beluga Sturgeon (Huso huso Linnaeus, 1768),
Abstract :
Abstract[1] In the present study sperm motility parameters (sperm motility duration, sperm motility percentage), spermatocrit and sperm concentration have been investigated in 11 wild fish and 12 cultured fish during three months from March to May in 2007 in Shahid Marjani Sturgeons Propagation and Culture center. Sperm motility duration (s), sperm motility percentage (%), spermatocrit (%) and sperm density (×109) in wild and cultured Beluga Sturgeon were 339.09±23.11, 83.64±2/01, 5.88±1.36, 15.22±3.46 and 199.35±29.02, 74.22±2.4, 3.21±0.29, 8.37±0.24 respectively. Measured parameters showed significant differences between cultured and wild Beluga Sturgeon in sperm motility duration and sperm motility percentage but there were no significant differences in spermatocrit and sperm concentration. According to the results, the differences between cultured and wild Beluga Sturgeon in sperm motility duration and sperm motility percentage showed that, quality and quantity of sperm were higher in wild Beluga Sturgeon and they can be more efficient than cultured individuals. * Corresponding Author; Email: