In Vitro oocyte maturation method for selection of breeders in Persian sturgeon (Using RM1)
Subject Areas : New Technologies in Aquaculture Development
Abstract :
One of the important problems for the sturgeon artificial reproduction is the selection of breeders able to produce high quality mature gametes after the hormonal stimulation. In this study, in vitro oocyte maturation using RM1 was considered. The intention was introducing a suitable index for choosing the breeders in order to compare follicle ability to be induced in in vitro GVBD with their ability in in vivo condition. To do this, 9 Persian sturgeon were studied in Shahid Marjani sturgeon propagation center. Right before oocyte cultivation, progesterone was added to culture medium. Oocyte sampling for cultivating in in vitro, and GVBD consideration was done before hormonal injection. Sampling from culture medium after oocyte cultivation was done every 6 hours in 6 stages. GVBD occurrence in oocytos was considered. In samples in which GVBD didn't occur and in controls, polarization index (PI) was calculated. Considering maturation procedure in culture medium indicated PI in 4 breeders' oocytes in the second sampling stage got zero; GVBD occurred in the third stage. PI in oocytes of another two breeders got zero after 16 hours. In the moat of oocytes, GVBD had occurred up to the next sampling time. The result of in vivo study showed oocytes of 7 breeders out of 9 ones got ovulated. GVBD occurred in oocytes of thses 7 breeders in in vitro study up to the third sampling stage. The result showed in vitro oocyte maturation method is dutiable PI determination method for selection of breeders.