The effect of size of Barbus grypus broodstock on reproductive indicies, functional fecundity, fertilization rate, hatch rate and larvae survival rate
Subject Areas : New Technologies in Aquaculture Development
Keywords: Barbus grypus, Fertilization, Keywords: Larvae survival, Hatch, Functional Fercunditiy,
Abstract :
This study was carried out to determine the effect of size of Barbus grypus broodstock on functional fecundity, fertilization rate, hatching rate and larvae survival rate. Three female groups (treatments) were chosen for breeding. Treatment1: 2212.5 ±780 gr, treatment 2: 4518±780 gr and treatment 3: 7712.5±171 gr. There were the same male broodstocks for all treatments (1400±100 gr). Female broodstocks were injected with 3 mg/kg of PG hormone in two stage with an interval of 10 hours. Males were injected with 2 mg/kg in one time of females second injection. Functional Fecundity, fertilization rate%, hatch rate%, larvae survival rate% indices were calculated for all treatments. Maximum functional fecundity (13000.37±4651.57), fertilized egg (94±1.51%), hatching rate (83.62±2.77%) and larvae survival rate (84.75±1.28%) were observed in treatment 2. Minimum functional fecundity, fertilization rate%, hatching rate%, larvae survival rate% were 4879±2325.29 (treatment 3), 82.66±10.48 (treatment 1), 64.16±3.65 (treatment 1) and 71.6±1.63 (treatment 1) respectively. With the increase of broodstock weight until 4518±780 gr reproductive indicies increaced and beyond that decreased. In all of indicies treatment 2 showed significant diferences with other treatments (p < 0.05). So treatment 2 is the best treatment compared to other treatments.